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missing the .mod tab in ACP

Posted: 27. July 2010 15:09
by Sinister
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed Portal

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
uninstalled/reinstalled protal

Description and Message
When I go to the ACP to disable some of the blocks the tab thats is suppose to be next to the system tab is not showing up. When i click on the system tab an the module management the .MOD is showing there, but not as a tab. I have installed this portal on my other forums with out a problem.

Style im using is CA_Black
Board version is 3.0.7-PL1

Also was wounderin how to change the portal_user.png image to portal_user.gif image(created my own Image for use)What file would i have to change to add that

Re: missing the .mod tab in ACP

Posted: 27. July 2010 16:07
by Marc
Since the portal doesn't change the .MODs category, I'd guess there is something wrong with your phpBB. Try asking in the support forum on

Re: missing the .mod tab in ACP

Posted: 27. July 2010 16:14
by Sinister
ok thank you. one other question what file would I change to add my own image to replace the portal_user.png image

Re: missing the .mod tab in ACP

Posted: 27. July 2010 16:53
by Sinister
Well solved the image thing.. just had to go to each seperate block in the template of the style i was using.. thanks again

Re: missing the .mod tab in ACP

Posted: 27. July 2010 18:38
by Sinister
Also figuered out why .mod tab wasnt showing. My user wasnt set as a founder.