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During install, change U_INDEX in overall_header?

Posted: 29. November 2009 06:00
by liquid digitz
Hopefully I am posting this in the right fourm. I must apologize if this is the wrong one, as there is no suggestion forum that I can see.
Just a small idea to add in the next update to Board3.

In the install.xml, would it be an idea to recommend adding in a change to that. Since in the menu and top link it will link to index.php which is just the forum itself, even with the change to the .htaccess

in styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Re: During install, change U_INDEX in overall_header?

Posted: 29. November 2009 13:18
by Marc
Why should we do that? People wouldn't be able to get to the forum index anymore.

Re: During install, change U_INDEX in overall_header?

Posted: 29. November 2009 18:48
by liquid digitz
In the the portal menu there is a link to the forum index, and many of the styles allow other links to the forum index. This way the site logo leads to the main page and not away from the main page.

Though it was just an idea. It's what I have done so far on the webpage I am working on, and it seems to work well.