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Ads Block

Posted: 12. February 2008 17:26
by el_Vindicador
Lets see..

i need that the user can see the Ads Block.... in the template i see "IF" the ACP y cant found the setting to activate this blocks.

its a bug?

Re: Ads Block

Posted: 21. February 2008 18:00
by el_Vindicador
i discovered that the codes in the includes/acp files are "deactivated" ...for de ADS...

why? can i reactivated?? ....

Re: Ads Block

Posted: 21. February 2008 19:42
by Christian_N
Sorry for the poor English, the following text was translated by Google.
This function is, according to Kevin, in the next version to be activated, nor ask for this patient.

Greeting Chris

Re: Ads Block

Posted: 21. February 2008 19:51
by el_Vindicador
thanks!! really.

im from argentina and my english is..... bad! jaj

Re: Ads Block

Posted: 18. March 2008 14:24
by lonepare
Hey!! Fantastic so very pleased with look and feel....
Just a quick response to the advertising question.....I managed to just add some code within some of the blocks already activated, for example take the links.html open this up and find

Code: Select all

<span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
Add after on a new line

Code: Select all

			<div style="text-align: center;">
				Place Adverising Code Here
Job done, you can see an example at

Just thought I would share a simple work around whilst being patient..... ;)