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Release 1.0.4 at B3portal, but not at phpbb?

Posted: 1. October 2009 01:31
by yocalif
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
does not apply

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
does not apply

Description and Message
First I really appreciate board3portal.

I saw the release of 1.0.4 here at Board3portal, but the release on phpbb is 1.0.2.

Q. Why doesn't the latest release batch at both sites?

Q. Is 1.0.4 a stable release?

Q. I am using 1.0.2, and have had to put in a few edits. What is the best procedure to upgrade?

Thanks again, for your great mod. My forum now is not just a forum but a nice looking website, thanks to Board3portal.

I have a question posted lower about getting phpbb username and passing it to javascript running out of a portal block.

Re: Release 1.0.4 at B3portal, but not at phpbb?

Posted: 1. October 2009 02:18
by Mike
yocalif wrote:Q. Why doesn't the latest release batch at both sites?
There has to be an validation before any new Release on, but this is a protracted treatment ;)
yocalif wrote:Q. Is 1.0.4 a stable release?
Our Testing Team says "YES" ...
yocalif wrote:Q. I am using 1.0.2, and have had to put in a few edits. What is the best procedure to upgrade?
Thats the reason why you should alway update to the latest version ;)
If you first update to 1.0.3 and after that to 1.0.4 you have update instructions for all the steps included in the package.
1.0.2 -> 1.0.4 isnt an inherent part of the latest version...

Re: Release 1.0.4 at B3portal, but not at phpbb?

Posted: 1. October 2009 03:50
by delori
All, I might have missed something, but when I tried install portal 1.0.4 today, I get the following error.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mssql_odbc ]

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. [37000]


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS phpbb_portal_config


FILE: includes/db/mssql_odbc.php
LINE: 165
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: install/install_functions.php
LINE: 160
CALL: dbal_mssql_odbc->sql_query()

FILE: install/install_functions.php
LINE: 125
CALL: b3p_drop_table()

FILE: install/install_install.php
LINE: 115
CALL: b3p_create_table()

FILE: install/install_install.php
LINE: 73
CALL: install_install->load_schema()

FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 279
CALL: install_install->main()

FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 56
CALL: module->load()

By the way, I'm using SQL 2008.

Any help would be great.

