Page 1 of 1

Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 3. September 2009 13:39
by cromatics
da viele von euch ein Gildenforum haben und auf der suche nach einen Raidplaner sind (ohne DKP und co) und eine Raidübersicht im Portal haben wollen, für die hab ich was gefunden, was auch für so gut wie jedes MMORPG geeigent ist.

mal ein paar kleine details:

*für fast jedes online spiel geeignet
*anpassung ans phpbb3/phpbb2 forum (nur ein login)
*kein Dkp oder ähnliches dabei
*austauschbare Game Packages, Hacks, Images, Themes
*eigene styles einbinden
*leicht in der Administration
*eigener Block im Portal

so hier mal eine anleitunf für das einfügen ins Portal

erstelle eien raidweek.php und speichere sie ind den phpraider Ordner, füge darin den Text ein und trage dort unter // MySQL- settings, // Where the raidcalender's index.php is located und // Where the raidcalenders raid-icons are located deine daten ein

Code: Select all

        // Where the raidcalender's index.php is located
        $raid_cal_index = 'http://YOURSITENAME/phpraider/';

        // Where the raidcalenders raid-icons are located
        $raid_icon_folder = '/LINK TO YOUR RAID IMAGES FOLDER/'; // IE                   /raid/games/WoW/images/raids/

        // MySQL- settings. Note that db_table_prefixes can vary depending on what you choose when you install phpraider.
        $db_raid_server         = 'HOSTNAME';
        $db_raid_database_name   = 'DATABASE NAME';
        $db_raid_database_user   = 'USERNAME';
        $db_raid_database_pwd   = 'PASSWORD';
        $db_table_raid         = 'phpraider_raid';
        $db_table_signups      = 'phpraider_signups';

        // How many hours + or - the viewer should calculate. Some do have to edit this to make
        // the timedisplay to be correct.
        // For example $timezone = 3  or  $timezone = -4
        $timezone = -7;

        // Layout. The size of the windows of the days displayed.
        //$layout_frame_width   = 100;
        $layout_frame_width     = 65;
        $layout_frame_height   = 46;
        $layout_frame_raidinfo   = 20;

        // How many raid icons fit in the table cell?
        $max_raids_per_day      = 2;

        // What will be displayed when no raids are planned for that particular day.
        // You can choose to have a text or an icon.
        // $no_raid_type = 'image';
        // $no_raid_type = 'text';
        // $no_raid_type = 'none';
        $no_raid_type = 'text';                                                // What mode do you want?
        $no_raid_text = 'No raid today';                                // What text to be shown
        $no_raid_image = '/phpraider/games/WoW/images/raids/unknown.png';        // link to your icon if you use that.

        // READ ME ________________________________________________________________________________________
        //goto line 131 and in that line u will find the word URLINK change that word to the link of your phpraider index.php IE http://mywebsite/phpraider/index.php
        // ******************************************************

        $db = mysql_connect($db_raid_server, $db_raid_database_user, $db_raid_database_pwd);
        mysql_select_db($db_raid_database_name, $db);

        if ($_GET["offset"]) {
           $weekoffset = $_GET["offset"]*604800;
           $wo = $_GET["offset"];
        else {
           $weekoffset = 0;
           $wo = 0;
        $prev = $wo-1;
        $next = $wo+1;

        $weekstart = (date('U')-(date('w')+6)%7*86400)+$weekoffset;        // sets start date of displayed week
        $timezone = $timezone * 3600;                                        // Calculates the timezone-diff.


        body {
           margin: 0px;
           padding: 0px;
           background-color: #000000;
           color: #b0b0b0;
           font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
        table {
           border: 1px solid #282828;
        td {
           border: 1px solid #404040;
        } {
           background-color: #202020;
           border: 1px solid #407040;
        a:link,a:active,a:visited {
           text-decoration: none;
           color: #006699;
        a:hover {
           text-decoration: underline;
           color: #4080b0;
        .daycontent {
           clear: both;
           text-align: center;
           margin: 0px;
           padding-bottom: 0px;
           padding-top: 2px;
        .day {
           color: #ffcc33;
           font-size: 10pt;
           padding-left: 4px;
           font-weight: bold;
           float: left;
        .date {
           color: #808080;
           font-size: 8pt;
           padding-top: 2px;
           padding-right: 4px;
           float: right;
        #info {
           color: #c0b050;
           font-size: 8pt;
           text-align: center;
        .available    { color: #80d080; }
        .unavailable  { color: #f08080; }
        .field        { color: #60b0b0; }

           <script type="text/javascript">
        function InsertText(str) {
           var oDiv=document.getElementById("info");
        function ClearText() {
        InsertText("<a href=\"?offset=<?=$prev;?>\"><< Previous</a> - <a href=\"?offset=0\">Current</a> - <a href=\"?offset=<?=$next;?>\">Next >></a><a href=\"URLINK/index.php\" class=\"raid_calendar\" target=\"_parent\">Sign Up Here</a></td></tr></table>");
        <body onload='javascript:ClearText()'>

        <!-- PHP -->

        // Lets deal with the output

        echo "\t<table width='" . (7 * ($layout_frame_width+2) + 2) . "px' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n";
        echo "\t<tr height='" . $layout_frame_height . "'>\n";

        $now_timestamp = time( date("H,i") );
        $now = date(dm, $now_timestamp);

        // Loops through the week
        for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) {

           $raidscheduled = 0;
           $current = $weekstart + (86400*($i) );
           $xday = date('D', $current);
           $xdate = date('d', $current);
           $currdate = date('dm', $current);
           if ($now == $currdate) {
              $today = " class='today'";
           } else {
              $today = "";
           echo "\t\t<td{$today} valign='top' width='" . $layout_frame_width . "px'>\n";
           echo "\t\t\t<div class='day'>" . $xday . "</div><div class='date'>" . $xdate . "</div>\n";
           echo "\t\t\t<div class='daycontent'>";
           // Getting raid start dates
           $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_table_raid ORDER by start_time", $db);
           while ($check = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
              // Checks if the date of the raid is equal to displayed day
                if ($currdate == date('dm', $check["start_time"])) {
              // We need to have a maximum number of raids per day (otherwise layout becomes a mess)     
              if ($raidscheduled < $max_raids_per_day) {

                 // Count the signups
                 $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=0");
                 $signupcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
                 // Count the cancels
                 $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_table_signups WHERE raid_id=".$check['raid_id']." AND cancel=1");
                 $cancelcount = mysql_result($sql2, 0);
                    $invite_time = date("H:i",($check["invite_time"]+$timezone));
                    $start_time = date("H:i",($check["start_time"]+$timezone));
                    $freeze_time = date("H:i",$check["start_time"]-(($check["freeze_time"]*3600)+$timezone));
                    $img_txt = $check['location'];
                 $img_txt .= " (<span class='available'>" . $signupcount . "</span>,<span class='unavailable'>" . $cancelcount . "</span>)";
                    if ($now_timestamp <= $freeze_timestamp) {
                    $img_txt .= " Freeze: <span class='field'>" . $freeze_time . "</span>";
                    } else {
                       $img_txt .= " <span class='field'>Frozen</span>";
                 $img_txt .= " Invite: <span class='field'>" . $invite_time . "</span>";
                 $img_txt .= " Start: <span class='field'>" . $start_time . "</span>";
                 echo "<a target='_parent' href='" . $raid_cal_index . "index.php?option=com_view&id=" . $check['raid_id'] . "'><img src='" . $raid_icon_folder . $check['icon_name']."' onmouseover=\"InsertText('" . addslashes($img_txt) . "');\" onmouseout='ClearText();' border='0'></a>";
                 echo "</a>";

                   $raidscheduled = $raidscheduled + 1;
           if (!$raidscheduled) {
              switch ($no_raid_type) {
                 case text:
                      echo $no_raid_txt . "";
                 case image:
                      echo "<img src='" . $no_raid_image . "'>";
                      echo "";
           echo "</div>\n";
            echo "\t\t</td>\n";

        echo "\t</tr>\n";
        echo "\t<tr>\n";
        echo "\t\t<td colspan='7' height='" . $layout_frame_raidinfo . "'><div id='info'></div></td>\n";
        echo "\t</tr>\n";
        echo "\t</table>\n";
        <!-- ENDPHP -->

erstelle eine raidwwek.html tund speicher die bitte in: /styles/YOUR THEME/template/portal/block/ und trage folgenden text ein: bearbeite den text (http://deine seite/phpraider/raidweek.php)

Code: Select all

{$C_BLOCK_H_L}Wochenuebersicht Raidplaner{$C_BLOCK_H_R}
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
	<tr class="row1">
		<td style="text-align:center;">
             <div align="center"><p align="center"><iframe src="http://deine seite/phpraider/raidweek.php" frameborder="0" width="471" scrolling="no" height="180" allowtransparency="allowtransparency"></iframe></p></div>
Öffne die datei: /styles/YOUR THEME/template/portal/portal_body.html


Code: Select all

				<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/announcements_compact.html -->
			<!-- ELSE -->
				<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/announcements.html -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
trage dannach

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/raidweek.html -->

Speicher alles, leere deinen Cache vom Forum
und fertig ist es......




Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 3. September 2009 13:52
by Mike
Ich kann zu dem ganzen recht wenig sagen, allerdings kann ich mir kaum vorstellen das der Block richtig funktioniert.
Erstens ist das nur ein Block für subsilver2 Templates, und spomit fehlt noch einer für prosilver, und zweitens ist der Coder hier in dem Block auch falsch:
<!--version $Id: raid.html 479 2009-03-15 11:19:27Z kevin74 $ //-->
{$C_BLOCK_H_L}Wochenuebersicht Raidplaner{$C_BLOCK_H_R}
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<tr class="row1">
<td style="text-align:center;">
<div align="center"><p align="center"><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="471" scrolling="no" height="180" allowtransparency="allowtransparency"></iframe></p> <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
Da fehlt das </div> am Ende und die Spansachen gehören da garnicht rein, da die in der config stehen. Für subsilver2 gibt es außerdem keine class="corners-bottom", das ist was für prosilver... Das müsstest du also nochmal überarbeiten ;)

EDIT: Achja, und wenn du oben die Variablen für einen Mittleren Block nimmst, dann kannst du unten nicht welche für die äußeren Blöcke nehmen...
Es muss also sowohl der Header als auch der Footer mit C_ losgehen... ;)

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 3. September 2009 14:02
by cromatics
du bringst mich noch mal ganz durcheinander......

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 3. September 2009 14:04
by Mike
Ich muss jetzt leider wieder auf Arbeit aber auch diesmal sind die Fehler alle noch drin.
<span...>...</span> kommt komplett raus, dafür muss ein </div> hin.
Und die Variablen sind auch noch falsch... Ich schau heut Abend wieder rein ;)

PS: normalerweise müsstest du deinen Beitrag aber ändern können... :?

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 24. November 2009 06:34
by vadai
I think this has to do with integrating a phpraider block into board3, but I cannot translate the german. I tried bable fish but still could not understand.

If this is a way to create a phpraider block could someone translate it for us please? I want to add a phpraider block to my website and would appreciate any help.


Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 7. December 2009 11:22
by Thresherinc
vadai wrote:I think this has to do with integrating a phpraider block into board3, but I cannot translate the german. I tried bable fish but still could not understand.

If this is a way to create a phpraider block could someone translate it for us please? I want to add a phpraider block to my website and would appreciate any help.


Follow the instructions in this topic.

I made a note of the only change I needed to do in order to get things working.

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 3. January 2010 18:36
by simivar
English please?

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 18. January 2010 23:16
by Gondath
Please note that none of this is my post. I used a translator to try and read this in English. A few things did not convert, but this should give you an idea... I used Google Translate
Raidplaner+Block im Portal
by cromatics » 3. September 2009 03:39

since many of you have a guild forum and in search of one Raidplanner (no DKP and co) and a Raidübersicht want to be the portal for which I've found something that is appropriate video for almost every MMORPG.

times a few small details:

* Suitable for almost any online game
* adaptation to the phpbb3/phpbb2 forum (only one login)
* no DkP or the like while
* interchangeable Game Packages, hacks, images, themes
* include their own styles
* easy in administration
* own block in the portal

So here one time anleitunf for the insert into the portal

create and save eien raidweek.php ind phpRaider the folder, add to the text and then carry on / / MySQL settings, / / Where The raidcalender's index.php is located and / / Where The raidcalenders raid icons are located at your data

Code: Select all

        / / Where The raidcalender's index.php is located 
        $ raid_cal_index = 'http://YOURSITENAME/phpraider/'; 

        / / Where The raidcalenders raid icons are located 
        $ raid_icon_folder = '/ LINK TO RAID YOUR IMAGES FOLDER /' / / IU / raid / games / WoW / images / raids / 

        / / MySQL settings. Note that db_table_prefixes can vary depending on what you choose when you install phpRaider. 
        $ db_raid_server = 'HOSTNAME'; 
        $ db_raid_database_name = 'DATABASE NAME'; 
        $ db_raid_database_user = 'USERNAME'; 
        $ db_raid_database_pwd = 'PASSWORD'; 
        $ db_table_raid = 'phpraider_raid'; 
        $ db_table_signups = 'phpraider_signups'; 

        / / How many hours + or - the viewer should calculate. Some do not have to edit this to make 
        / / The time display to be correct. 
        / / For example 3 or $ timezone = $ timezone = -4 
        $ timezone = -7; 

        / / Layout. The size of the windows of the days displayed. 
        / / $ layout_frame_width = 100; 
        $ layout_frame_width = 65; 
        $ layout_frame_height = 46; 
        $ layout_frame_raidinfo = 20; 

        / / How many raid icons fit into the table cell? 
        $ max_raids_per_day = 2; 

        / / What will be displayed when no raids are planned for that particular day. 
        / / You can choose to have a icon or text to. 
        / / $ No_raid_type = 'image'; 
        / / $ No_raid_type = 'text'; 
        / / $ No_raid_type = 'none'; 
        $ no_raid_type = 'text', / / What mode do you want? 
        $ no_raid_text = 'No raid today'; / / What text to be shown 
        $ no_raid_image = '/ phpRaider / games / WoW / images / raids / unknown.png'; / / link to your icon if you use that. 

        / / READ ME ________________________________________________________________________________________
        / / goto line 131 and into that line u will find the word URLINK change that word to the left of your IE phpRaider index.php http://mywebsite/phpraider/index.php 
        / / 
        / / ************************************************ ****** 

        $ db = mysql_connect ($ db_raid_server, $ db_raid_database_user, $ db_raid_database_pwd); 
        mysql_select_db ($ db_raid_database_name, $ db); 

        if ($ _GET [ "offset"]) ( 
           weekOffset $ offset = $ _GET [ ""] * 604800; 
           $ where = $ _GET [ "offset"]; 
        else ( 
           $ weekOffset = 0; 
           $ where = 0; 
        $ prev = $ where-1; 
        $ next = $ where + 1; 

        $ weekstart = (date ( 'U') - (date ( 'w') +6)% 7 * 86400) + $ weekOffset / / sets start date of week displayed 
        $ timezone = $ timezone * 3600 / / Calculates the time zone diff. 


        body ( 
           margin: 0px; 
           padding: 0px; 
           background-color: # 000000; 
           color: # B0B0B0; 
           font-family: Arial, sans-serif; 
        table ( 
           border: 1px solid # 282,828; 
        td ( 
           border: 1px solid # 404040; 
        ) ( 
           background-color: # 202020; 
           border: 1px solid # 407,040; 
        a: link, a: active, a: visited ( 
           text-decoration: none; 
           color: # 006699; 
        a: hover ( 
           text-decoration: underline; 
           color: # 4080b0; 
        . daycontent ( 
           clear: both; 
           text-align: center; 
           margin: 0px; 
           padding-bottom: 0px; 
           padding-top: 2px; 
        . day ( 
           color: # ffcc33; 
           font-size: 10pt; 
           padding-left: 4px; 
           font-weight: bold; 
           float: left; 
        . date ( 
           color: # 808080; 
           font-size: 8pt; 
           padding-top: 2px; 
           padding-right: 4px; 
           float: right; 
        # info ( 
           color: # c0b050; 
           font-size: 8pt; 
           text-align: center; 
        . available (color: # 80d080;) 
        . unavailable (color: # f08080;) 
        . field (color: # 60b0b0;) 

           </ style> 
           <script type="text/javascript"> 
        function InsertText (str) ( 
           var oDiv = document.getElementById ( "info"); 
           oDiv.innerHTML = str; 
        Clear text function () ( 
        InsertText ( "<a href = \"? Offset =<?=$ prev;?> \ "> <<Previous </ a> - <a href=\"?offset=0\"> Current </ a > - <a href = \ "? offset next =<?=$;?> \"> Next>> </ a> <a href = \ "URLINK / index.php \" class = \ "raid_calendar \ "target = \" _parent \ "> Sign Up Here </ a> </ td> </ tr> </ table>"); 
           </ script> 
        </ head> 
        <body onload='javascript:ClearText()'> 

        <! - PHP -> 

        / / Let's deal with the output 

        echo "\ t <td width = '". (7 * ($ layout_frame_width +2) + 2). "px 'border = '0' cellspacing = s '0 'cellpadding = '0'> \"; 
        echo "\ t <tr height = '". $ layout_frame_height. "n '> \"; 

        now_timestamp $ time = (date ( "H, i")); 
        $ now = date (dm, $ now_timestamp); 

        / / Loop through the week 
        for ($ i = 0; $ i <7; $ i + +) ( 

           $ raidscheduled = 0; 
           $ current = $ weekstart + (86400 * ($ i)); 
           $ xday = date ( 'D', $ current); 
           $ xDat = date ( 'd', $ current); 
           $ CURRDATE = date ( 'dm', $ current); 
           if ($ now == $ CURRDATE) ( 
              $ today = "class = 'today'"; 
           ) Else ( 
              $ today = ""; 
           echo "\ t \ t <$ today) (td valign = 'top' width = '". $ layout_frame_width. "px '> \ n"; 
           echo "\ t \ t \ t \ t <div class='day'>. $ xday. "</ div class='date'>> <div. $ xDat. "n </ div> \"; 
           echo "\ t \ t \ t \ t <div class='daycontent'>"; 
           / / Getting raid start dates 
           $ sql = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM $ db_table_raid ORDER by start_time, $ db); 
           while ($ check = mysql_fetch_array ($ sql)) ( 
              / / Check if the date of the raid is equal to day displayed 
                if ($ CURRDATE == date ( 'dm', $ check [ "start_time"])) ( 
              / / We need to have a maximum number of raids per day (otherwise layout becomes a mess) 
              if ($ raidscheduled <$ max_raids_per_day) ( 

                 / / Count the signups 
                 $ sql2 = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM $ db_table_signups WHERE raid_id =". $ check [ 'raid_id']. "AND cancel = 0"); 
                 $ signupcount = mysql_result ($ sql2, 0); 
                 / / Count the cancels 
                 $ sql2 = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM $ db_table_signups WHERE raid_id =". $ check [ 'raid_id']. "AND cancel = 1"); 
                 $ CANCELCOUNT = mysql_result ($ sql2, 0); 
                    $ invite_time = date ( "H: i") ($ check [ "invite_time"] + $ timezone); 
                    $ start_time = date ( "H: i") ($ check [ "start_time"] + $ timezone); 
                    $ freeze_time = date ( "H: i", $ check [ "start_time "]-(($ check [" freeze_time "] * 3600) + $ timezone)); 
                    $ img_txt = $ check [ 'location']; 
                 $ img_txt .= "(<span class='available'>. $ signupcount." </ span>, <span class='unavailable'>. $ CANCELCOUNT. "</ span>"); 
                    if ($ now_timestamp <= $ freeze_timestamp) ( 
                    $ img_txt .= "Freeze: <span class='field'>. $ freeze_time. "</ span>"; 
                    ) Else ( 
                       $ img_txt .= "<span class='field'> Frozen </ span>"; 
                 $ img_txt .= "Invite: <span class='field'>. $ invite_time. "</ span>"; 
                 $ img_txt .= "Start: <span class='field'>. $ start_time. "</ span>"; 
                 echo "<a target = '_parent' href = '". $ raid_cal_index. "index.php? com_view option = & id =". $ check [ 'raid_id']. " '> <img src ='". $ raid_icon_folder. $ check [ 'icon_name']."' onmouseover = \ "InsertText ('". addslashes ($ img_txt). " ') \" onmouseout =' Clear text (); 'border = '0'> </ a> " ; 
                 echo "</ a>"; 

                   $ raidscheduled = $ raidscheduled + 1; 
           if ($ raidscheduled) ( 
              switch ($ no_raid_type) ( 
                 case text: 
                      echo $ no_raid_txt. ""; 
                 case image: 
                      echo "<img src = '". $ no_raid_image. "'>"; 
                      echo ""; 
           echo "</ div> \ n"; 
            echo "\ t \ t </ td> \ n"; 

        echo "\ t </ tr> \ n"; 
        echo "\ t <tr> \ n"; 
        echo "\ t \ t <td colspan = '7 'height ='". $ layout_frame_raidinfo. " '> <div id='info'> </ div> </ td> \ n"; 
        echo "\ t </ tr> \ n"; 
        echo "\ t </ table> \ n"; 
        <! - ENDPHP -> 

        </ body> 
        </ html> 

raidwwek.html set forth to create a memory that please: / styles / YOUR THEME / template / portal / block / and wear following a text: edit the text (http://deine page / phpRaider / raidweek.php)

Code: Select all

C_BLOCK_H_L Raidplanner Wochenuebersicht) ($ ($) C_BLOCK_H_R 
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> 
   <tr class="row1"> 
      <td style="text-align:center;"> 
             <div align="center"> <p align="center"> <iframe src = "http://deine page / phpRaider / raidweek.php" frameborder = "0" width = "471" scrolling = "no" height = "180" allowtransparency = "allowtransparency"> </ iframe> </ p> </ div> 
</ td> 
   </ tr> 
</ table> 
C_BLOCK_F_L) ($ ($) C_BLOCK_F_R 

Open the file: / styles / YOUR THEME / template / portal / portal_body.html


Code: Select all

         <! - IF S_ANNOUNCE_COMPACT -> 
            <! - INCLUDE portal / block / announcements_compact.html -> 
         <! - ELSE -> 
            <! - INCLUDE portal / block / announcements.html -> 
         <! - ENDIF -> 
      <! - ENDIF -> 

wear Dannacher

Code: Select all

<! - INCLUDE portal / block / raidweek.html -> 

Store everything, empty your cache from the Forum
and you're done, it is ......

German language


Last edited by Cromatics On 3 September 2009 04:16, edited 7 times in total.
Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal
by Mike » 3. September 2009 03:52

I can say on the whole very little, but I can hardly imagine that the block is working properly.
First, this is only a block for subsilver2 templates, and spomit still missing one for prosilver, and secondly, the coder is also wrong in the block:

Code: Select all

<! - version $ Id: raid.html 479 2009-03-15 11:19:27 Z $ kevin74 //--> 
C_BLOCK_H_L Raidplanner Wochenuebersicht) ($ ($) C_BLOCK_H_R 
<table class="tablebg" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> 
<tr class="row1"> 
<td style="text-align:center;"> 
<div align="center"> <p align="center"> <iframe src = "" frameborder = "0" width = "471" scrolling = "no" height = "180" allowtransparency = "allowtransparency"> </ iframe> </ p> <span class="corners-bottom"> <span> </ span> </ span> 
</ td> 
</ tr> 
</ table> 

Since missing the </ div> at the end and there are not at Spansachen pure, that's where the config in the. For subsilver2 there is also no class = "corners-bottom, that is for prosilver ... So that you'd have to revise again

EDIT: Oh yes, and if you take up the variables for a Middle Block, then you can not below what our competitors are outer blocks ...
There must, therefore, both the header and the footer go with C_ ...
Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal
by cromatics » 3. September 2009 04:02

you make me all confused again ......

Last edited by Cromatics On 3 September 2009 04:10, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Raid Planner + block in the portal
by Mike »3 September 2009 04:04

Unfortunately I must now return to work but again the errors are all still there.
<span...> ...</ span> comes out completely, it must be a </ div> out.
And the variables are still wrong ... I look back here tonight

PS: normally you'd have your contribution, but can change ...

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 27. March 2010 20:13
by kamocuvao
der download ( funktioniert bei mir nicht... (404)

kann das wer fixen bzw mir ein anderes (gleichwertiges) mod posten


Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 27. March 2010 20:25
by cromatics
die haben jetzt ein neues forum:

und der download:

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 27. March 2010 23:30
by kamocuvao

Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 5. July 2010 12:12
by NickName

danke für die nette Modifikation... leider gibt es ein kleines Problem wenn die Zeitzone angepasst wird

Aufgrund der Sommerzeit muss die Zeitzone ja um 2 Stunden angepasst werden, wenn nun aber ein Raid eingetragen wird, der nach 21:59Uhr gestartet wird, verschiebt sich dieser im Block auf den nächsten Tag! Leider konnte ich nicht rausfinden, wie ich das ändern kann, denn wenn ich die Zeitzone zurücksetze werden alle Raids mit der falschen Zeit angezeigt - gibt es dafür eine Lösung?


Re: Raidplaner+Block im Portal

Posted: 8. July 2010 11:27
by Dynasty
Hallo mal 2 kleine Fragen ist es erstens machbar das man sich nur 1 mal registrieren muss und dieses dann auch für den PHPRaider gilt???

Die 2te Frage ist dann kann man den Raider koplett integrieren so das man Raids im Board eintragen kann und dann nicht immer auf den Raidplaner wechselt???

Danke schonmal für antworten

habe gerade festgestellt das ich in dem Block folgenden fehler sehe aber keine Raids ^^
"; echo ""; } $raidscheduled = $raidscheduled + 1; } } if (!$raidscheduled) { switch ($no_raid_type) { case text: echo $no_raid_txt . ""; break; case image: echo ""; break; default: echo ""; break; } } echo "
\n"; echo "\t\t\n"; } echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\t
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\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "\t\n"; ?>
woran könnte der fehler liegen??