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Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 1. September 2009 03:02
by DutchToxophilite
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Thought about it.

Description and Message

My question is something, one of my board members asked me.

He has trouble finding the correct button to start a new topic.

Would it be possible to "Create a new topic from the Portal?" without having to go through the board index?
I figure it should be possible to do that, but I also figure, that this has to be a separate MOD.
When the link for "A new Topic" has been selected, the user should get a single screen, where he can select the (categorie)forum the message should go.

Let me know if this is not possible, or maybe it is.


Re: Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 7. September 2009 11:39
by DutchToxophilite

Please let me know something...... Even if it would not be possible without a separate MOD....


Re: Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 7. September 2009 21:00
by Kevin
It would be possible with an extra block i guess (well, I'm pretty sure).

The function make_jumpbox in the includes/functions_content.php core file might be interesting for you - regarding the SQL query and the dropdown menu for the forum list.
Basically you "just" have to rename and rebuild this function, to let the link point directly to the posting.php, using the desired forum ID I guess.

This is how the viewforum.php is building up the link to start a new topic, might be interesting as well:

Code: Select all

    'U_POST_NEW_TOPIC'    => ($auth->acl_get('f_post', $forum_id) || $user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'mode=post&f=' . $forum_id) : '', 
The function make_jumpbox is called this way:

Code: Select all


Re: Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 7. September 2009 22:24
by Kevin
Just found out - pretty easy with the make_jumpbox function:

Open portal.php


Code: Select all

replace with:

Code: Select all

make_jumpbox(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}posting.$phpEx", 'mode=post&f=' . $forum_id)); 
If a forum is now selected in the jumpbox, it leads directly to the posting.php with the correct forum ID. :)
Now 80% of the way is gone. ;)

Re: Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 8. September 2009 08:17
by DutchToxophilite
Hi Kevin.

That works.

But if it is possible it would be nice if there would be a separate "button" or link. And the user would be able to only select the forums where creating new topics is allowed.

If that is not possible, I think I will use this solution.


Re: Create Topic from Portal

Posted: 8. September 2009 09:24
by Kevin
Then i would suggest to copy, rename and modify this function.
I'm sorry, i do not have the time to do more investigation, very busy at the moment.

*moved to "modification requests"*