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Donors Block

Posted: 9. July 2009 10:40
by anybloodyid

is it possible to have a donors block so that when members donate to the site their name automatically appears in a Donors to the site block.


Re: Donors Block

Posted: 12. July 2009 02:24
by vicster
Yes would be very nice addition to the Paypal block, also the possiblity to edit the Text in the backend, and a "goal of the month" meter.

Thumbs up for OP!

Re: Donors Block

Posted: 20. July 2009 17:22
by MrBaseball34
I'm going to be working on this one very soon. Will keep you posted on the progress.
I think I'm just going to make it a part of the donations block instead of a separate block.
This way, it shows them together.

Re: Donors Block

Posted: 29. July 2009 20:01
by MrBaseball34
Ok, I've got some of the pieces together and will start coding the second week of Aug, due to going on vacation next week.

Just preliminarily, I will be using IPN (Instant Payment Notification) to get info back from Paypal and using that info to
post donation info. I will be modifying ACP to show
1. a flag to set if forum admin set up IPN URL on their account.
2. a value to store the URL for the IPN script, if they don't have one on their PP account
3. a flag to show/not show the donors

If the donors are setup to not show, we will not send the notify_url parameter to PP for IPN.
Also, if the forum admin has IPN URL set up in their account we won't have to have the notify_url in the parameters.

Note that the user may use a different email address for his PP account than the one used on the forum so matching to a user may/may not
be feasible. The PP IPN will be run outside the forum's process so we will not have the logged in user's credentials at the time
and there is no way to pass any of this info to PP to be sent back to us via IPN.
I have just found out that I can send the user_id in the Invoice field of the transaction and PP IPN will send it back to me!!!!
I can even use the custom field to send the user's name.
Now we have a way to look up the donor and list them by user name.

Stay tuned!!!

Re: Donors Block

Posted: 30. July 2009 01:56
by vicster
Thumbs Up Mate !! looking so much forward to this ! Thanks for all your effort!

Re: Donors Block

Posted: 22. October 2009 17:55
by WeZoN
Any updates on this?

Re: Donors Block

Posted: 22. October 2009 22:22
by MrBaseball34
I have not been able to get my sandbox account to work correctly and PP won't reply to my inquiries.
I am still working on it.