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Need confirmation about prosilver.

Posted: 8. February 2009 00:15
by Kerry
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I installed Board3 1.0.2 on our phpBB 3.0.4 and it appears to be working perfectly except that my prosilver style looks different than the demo prosilver. The demo has borders around the MENU and CLOCK blocks, mine doesn't.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Via ACP > Styles> I refreshed the template, themes, and images sets and cleared the cache

Description and Message
My prosilver style looks different than the demo prosilver. The demo has borders around the "MENU" block and the "CLOCK" block, etc, mine doesn't. Did I do something wrong?

I don't know how to insert an image in this message form but I previously posted this question in the wrong place, it had a Attachment feature, (see for images that show the differences between my prosilver and the demo).


Re: Need confirmation about prosilver.

Posted: 8. February 2009 00:59
by Mike
Did you read the reply from MARC in your linked Posting?
(Especially the second line...) ... 6f87#p1877

Re: Need confirmation about prosilver.

Posted: 8. February 2009 01:26
by Kerry
Hi Mike,

Yes. It points to the following instructions, all of which I followed.
  • Changes to the templates:
    Go to your ACP, choose "Styles -> Templates -> your style", which has been changed and click "refresh" - confirm with "yes".

    Changes to the themes:
    Go to your ACP, choose "Styles -> Themes -> your style", which has been changed and click "refresh" - confirm with "yes".

    Changes to the Imagesets:
    Go to your ACP, choose "Styles -> Imagesets -> -> your style", which has been changed and click "refresh" - confirm with "yes".

    In the end "ACP -> General" --> purge cache

    It's recommended to purge your browser cache too.

Re: Need confirmation about prosilver.

Posted: 8. February 2009 01:33
by Christian_N
Browser cache purged, wiht e.g. F5?
Have on your side no problems. :roll:

Re: Need confirmation about prosilver.

Posted: 8. February 2009 03:17
by Kerry
Hi Christian, I ran the refreshing again and sure enough it works.

Thanks very much.
