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Problems with installation. SQL Error. Table doesn't exist.

Posted: 3. October 2008 20:45
by King-Nothing
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Login and check all the files again

Description and Message
I get this error when I try to go to /install_portal/install.php:

PInUp Error

You must be logged in as an admin.
Go to login

I go to the index.php and login. Go back to this url and get the same message. But when I try to access I get this message:

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'trommeforum.trommeforumphpbb3_portal_config' doesn't exist [1146]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

And yes, I have triplechecked that the constants.php is correct and I have purged the cache.

Re: Problems with installation. SQL Error. Table doesn't exist.

Posted: 4. October 2008 11:59
by Kevin
Try this modified installer: download/file.php?id=130

Re: Problems with installation. SQL Error. Table doesn't exist.

Posted: 4. October 2008 12:21
by King-Nothing
Worked great! Thanks alot. :)