Gallery2 random photo block

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Gallery2 random photo block

Post by WizardOfZo »

I looked for a simple way to display random photos on the portal from Gallery2 (
I am using portal 1.01. I have phpBB3 3.02 with Gallery2 2.26 and I installed the gallery integration from Nuked Gallery (

In my setup I have Gallery2 Image Block 1.1.0 installed and activated but until now, I have not found an easy way to display random images outside the gallery.

I am not a fancy programmer, so this is a little crude.
I hope someone can do it properly and maybe add a few "bells & whistles" to make it more appealing.

Here is my method:
I took the custom_small.html and did some editing:

Code: Select all

<div class="content">

Code: Select all

I added....

Code: Select all

<object data="http://my-website/my-phpBB3-home/gallery2.php?g2_view=imageblock.External&g2_show=none&g2_maxSize=200&g2_linkTarget=_blank" type="text/html" width="180" height= "180">
Then I edited the title of the Small Custom block in ACP .MODS to read "Photo Gallery"
leaving the code are blank.
That is all.
Problems you may run into are thumbnails that are too large, then you will get scroll bars. You may have to play with the maxSize and/or the object sizes.

If someone has done this or something better, please let me know. For now, it works OK for me

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