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Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 05:46
by Roxana
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I have noticed some different between the topics count which stated on Statistics block and the new block. See the snap shot, Is this normal if it is yes whats behind this, and if this is a bug how to avoid this.

Snap shot #1 (topic count from the news block).

Snap shot #2 (topic count from the Statistics block)


Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 07:07
by Kevin
Hard to say, it may be an inconsistent database.
What does your forum index say, regarding the topics count?

Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 07:21
by Mike
:shock: Thats the same as here aboard, and on my own Board too... :?

Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 07:30
by Kevin
Please keep in mind that only normal topics are counted - not announcements, etc. Also permissions are taken into account (in difference to the total posts count). ;)

Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 08:25
by Roxana
Kevin wrote:Please keep in mind that only normal topics are counted - not announcements, etc. Also permissions are taken into account (in difference to the total posts count). ;)
But in my board there is only 1 announcement and the meantime difference between news block topic count and the statistics block topic count is more than 200, how could this is so possible. But the index's topic count is same as the statistics block topic count, the error is on the news block.


Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 10:18
by Kevin
Could you please give me a link to your board, so i can take a look?

Re: Is this normal??

Posted: 15. May 2009 15:12
by Roxana
Problem solved, I just Resynchronised my boards statistics :), and there's a another problem recent topics block won't grab the topics from the specific forum that I have mentioned with the forum ID.
