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Calendar Module

Posted: 1. May 2012 15:11
by Castiel
Hello! I was simply wondering if it was possible to fuse the portal calendar_side module with alightner's phpbb calendar mod. As it stands now, you have to go into the admin panel to add an event to this module. This is a bit more labor intensive than I'd like since I already have alightner's calendar mod setup so forum members can add their own events. As such, the forum index's calendar box automatically updates every time someone adds an event. The main portal module, however, is not linked and doesn't update automatically. As such, I basically have two separate calendar modules that aren't linked together. You can view them on my site here by looking at the portal and forum index:

On another related note, I wanted to take this moment to report a possible bug with the current portal module. When adding an event through the admin panel, I have to do it /twice/ in order for the event to show up. Otherwise, the event either won't show up or the link given with the event won't work. Adding/editing the event a second time fixes it, but it's still a hassle. Not sure if this is just an error on my end or not but it happens on two completely separate forum communities of mine.

Thank you in advance!

Re: Calendar Module

Posted: 1. May 2012 21:21
by DocSommer
This has been requested before, I'm also looking for a fix - so far it seems possible to display upcoming events in a center block:


I didn't tried that since I'm currently testing other mod (social network) that might come up with an own calendar feature. The calendar by alightner is abandoned since a while so it's unlikely that someone's seriously interested in maintaining the mod or features for other mods like board3 portal. Of course it's an odd situation since there aren't really other calenader mods released with at least the same features, that's why alightner's calendar mod is still the most popular.

So far I'm stucked with board3 portal version 1.x in order to maintain the automated display for upcoming calendar events. Therefore I'm also stucked with an outdated version of the gallery mod because the portal add on for the recent versions are only available for the new portal - quite the same issue but also totally vice versa :lol: :lol:

Re: Calendar Module

Posted: 4. May 2012 13:02
by ixl
Hi Chaps.

Im interested in this as well.

Back in time, when PHPBB2 Portal Plus 1.52 was about, people could add topics to a calendar event that would appear in the middle block of the portal. Now it seems pretty rare that anyone uses or wants that, which is a big surprise. :roll:

So this would be of use and ive looked at the same that you have and im again surprised that knowone else has picked up where Alightner left off. Were left with some mods or abandoned projects which ( to be fair ) are not easily added or work the way we want.

This weekend I plan to upgrade our board3 1.0.6 to 2.0x and from there hopefully find a mod or add on that will do what I ( we ) need.

Personally, what im looking for is in a Portal Block, if a thread with an event is created, for it to appear in the Block of the portal. I would like the entire post to be viewable in the portal, just just the heading ( subject ), the contents and also images etc, if they are in the original post.

If I find anything that works, I'll post back here. However if there is anything anyone finds that we can add to Board3, I would be pleased to hear about it.
