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Multiple Style Errors

Posted: 30. May 2011 14:48
by Daggers
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.2.17
MySQL Version: 5.0.91

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed board3 portal version 1.0.6

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
trawled the forums looking for answers

Description and Message
Hi all

Already posted this on and they suggested I speak to you guys.

I am having a little problem with multiple style installed when using board3 portal, when I switch between styles there seems to be an error only on the portal page which is not showing menu buttons correctly and the left and right borders correctly, I have had this problem in the past and cannot find the solution anywhere although I did manager to correct it I cannot however remember how to do it.

To see what I mean please follow this link and then use the style switcher to see the problem, it appears only on the left and right hand panes the centre pane displays correctly, and it appears to effect all the templates except subsilver2 and possibly prosilver but there is something about that template that just does not seem right.

Any help would be appreciated before I continue to install any extra mods.



Re: Multiple Style Errors

Posted: 30. May 2011 22:26
by archivar
Maybe you like it here are some style: viewforum.php?f=47

Re: Multiple Style Errors

Posted: 30. May 2011 23:08
by Daggers
Thanks for the reply, but that does answer my question, what is wrong with the styles I already have installed, as the problem only appears after I have installed board3 portal, it seems to me that the templates are not linking to the image files correctly, but only on the portal page, all the other pages seem to be fine.

Are you trying to say I need to download the styles listed on your site for them to work correctly.

Re: Multiple Style Errors

Posted: 31. May 2011 07:12
by archivar
All phpbb modules (Portal) are written only for the basic style (prosilver, subsilver2). You have to see in writing on what basis was your style.
Then try your style based on prosilver or subsilver2 change.

Re: Multiple Style Errors

Posted: 31. May 2011 08:59
by Daggers
OK Thanks

I think I know what you mean
