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ACP dramas

Posted: 15. April 2008 03:01
by mattyp
hi all

First off, great mod. It was the easiest and cleanest portal mod I've installed/tested so far, however :(

I have the front portal page up, and while I can see .MODs under System, Module Management etc in the ACP and Portal as it's child object with all the various parts of that (general, news, etc), I cannot get the MODs tabn to appear. It also looks like the appropriate tables (such as phpbb_portal_config) are there as well.

I have tried reinstalling both phpbb and board3 several times, and have tried changing where in the ACP Portal appears, but to no avail.

I'm very keen to get this working as I think my site will look a lot better for it, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

My site is .



Re: ACP dramas

Posted: 15. April 2008 11:07
by ~HG~
I can see by your site that you are using ProSilver which should be fine.

However, as I dont use ProSilver in either of the phpBB3 forums I run, so I dont know the layout of the ACP

I do know though, that in Subsilver2 styles and adapted templates, the Mods tab is always showing and that is where I configure the Portal setup.

Have you tried installing it on Subsilver2 to see if you have the same problem?

Re: ACP dramas

Posted: 15. April 2008 15:26
by mattyp
gday HG

Thanks for the post, that is a very good and logical idea.

I dud it and unfortunately no go - I can only assume I'm bollocksing up the install: so close yet so far!



Re: ACP dramas

Posted: 15. April 2008 15:42
by spongeweb
Done a full purge of the cache and template refresh?

Re: ACP dramas

Posted: 27. April 2008 12:37
by Greylock3491
Frist - thanks for a great portal mod - I installed 1st on mssql and appreciated that topic debuging the install.

Now on a new install (mysql) my portal acp was missing - I had renamed the Gallery Tab and didn't realize the portal installs in the same tab... just fyi might happen to someone else...