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RSS Display for Portal Board 3

Posted: 31. August 2010 11:42
by ixl
Hi all,

What I am looking to achieve is create a custom block so to speak, which I can add in the xml code to. This will then display the Headline and a few lines of a couple of news feeds onto our portal.

For example, we have a Steamgroups, which we use to show updates/annoucements on. Rather than having to update both the forums and steamgroup, I think it would be good if a small block could show some of the rss feeds from the steamgroup in a small block. I hope you see and understand what I mean.

Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas if this is possible? I dont want to rss feed our forums content, I want the forum portal to show feeds from other sites, such as steam or whatever...

Ive tried adding in hard code into the custom block and also creating a iframe showing the address of the rss feed xlm file, but this doesnt work either.

I was wondering if this would be best to use, or if there is a simpler solution available... ... &tab=feeds

Any help would be great.


Re: RSS Display for Portal Board 3

Posted: 1. September 2010 13:15
by Mess
You can add this bbcode and displayed that. ... 9d463bb699

Re: RSS Display for Portal Board 3

Posted: 1. September 2010 16:37
by ixl
Thanks for that. :)

Last night I found a solution I think that seems to do well.

I am using and im pasting the final code into the board3's small custom block. So far, it seems great.

The problem now is I need to make another ( a second ) small custom block because im already using the small one for something else... lol So thats something else im going to have to figure out how to make.