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Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 06:49
by Evanonian
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: 5.3.0
MySQL Version: 5.1.36

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed phpbb3 & AutoMod then used AutoMod to install Board3 atfer the installation said "success" I refreshed everything and purged cache.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Nothing, I don't know where to start.

Description and Message
I don't have any errors I just don't see the Portal after I install I've been having loads of trouble trying to install this I'm not 100% clear on the xml instructions does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do or have a pre-modded phpbb3 + board3 combo they can provide?

I'm currently usuing phpbb3portal here but this board has a lot more mod support. I'm trying to make a WoW Guild site and there is a lot of WoW Mods here so I'd like to try and get this working.

In advanced, thanks. :D

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 13:51
by Marc
If you did all the edits, try reading the DIY instructions at the bottom of the page.

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 18:42
by Evanonian
I have, I've refreshed my Prosilver Imageset, Theme and Template and purged my cache and still nothing.

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 18:52
by Marc
And did you run the installer?

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 19:34
by Evanonian
No I used AutoMod, I figured it did it for me.

I've installed other portals before but, when I made of the required Board3 edits and ran the install for it I've had no luck or I got errors I've tried a few times I don't know why I'm struggling with this.

Should I unistall with AutoMod then Re-Install and see if it re-adds the 'install' folder and run that myself?

Edit: It's actually not letting me uninstall it..doh

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 19:53
by Marc
What error do you get?

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 20:02
by Evanonian
From trying to uninstall or when I manually have ran the 'install' ?

Because I don't remember it was a bunch, I'd have to reinstall and edit the portal to test again. :|

But to make sure I'm clear you take the Board3 Portal and take everything in the 'root' folder and drop it into the root of your phpbb3 forum and overwrite, then you make the required edits listed in the xml file then run the 'install' folder.

I've always installed the phpbb3 portal then deleted it's 'install' folder then added the portal files and install it, am I doing it right?

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 20:49
by Marc
Why would you add the phpbb3portal before adding Board3 Portal?

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 20:52
by Evanonian
Ooops, wow my mistake that was a typo I didn't mean to say phpbb3 Portal I meant Forum my mistake.

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 22:26
by Marc
This is the way to install the portal:

After you have installed the forum and deleted the install folder, open install.xml and follow the instructions. After that upload the portal files (Knowledge Base: How to upload the Board 3 Portal files correctly).
Then run the installer by browsing to

Follow the installation steps. After the installation has finished, remove the install folder and refresh your theme, template, and board cache.

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 15. May 2010 23:58
by Evanonian
Thank you for your time and support, I'll try that when I get home.

Question, If I use AutoMod, does that just make the edits for you? but you still have to run the portal_install yourself?

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 16. May 2010 01:08
by Marc
Yes, AutoMOD only does the edits.

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 16. May 2010 02:20
by Evanonian
Then that was my problem, I just deleted the Install after the edits I thought it did it for me hehe I'm a rookie.

Thank you so much Marc for your patience I'll keep you posted.

BTW if the above links don't work I finally got a domain linked to my home server now it's

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 16. May 2010 09:38
by Evanonian
Ok, so I made the changes manually and with AutoMod and when I navagate to the Install directory I get this.
define('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'portal_config');
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\wamp\www\includes\constants.php:270) in D:\wamp\www\includes\functions.php on line 4293

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\wamp\www\includes\constants.php:270) in D:\wamp\www\includes\functions.php on line 4295

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\wamp\www\includes\constants.php:270) in D:\wamp\www\includes\functions.php on line 4296

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\wamp\www\includes\constants.php:270) in D:\wamp\www\includes\functions.php on line 4297
The only thing I can think of now is that the xml file said this portal only works with phpBB 3.0.6 and I'm usuing phpBB 3.0.7 PL1 could this be the source of my problem?


I tried it with phpBB 3.0.6 and the same problem occures, I don't know what is wrong but I'm pulling my hair out I want to install this portal so bad!

Re: Installing Issues

Posted: 16. May 2010 15:14
by Marc
Please post the content of includes/constants.php