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Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 23. November 2009 16:14
by Jupiter
Your Portal Version: v1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
No clue what to do other than turn off the birthday block

Description and Message
A strange thing happened when I logged in to my website this morning. The portal page birthday block showed every single member of my website instead of the most recent birthdays. The strange thing is that I have made zero changes to my site in weeks. I have the block set to go show 7 days worth of birthdays. Yesterday it was only showing 1 birthday.

What's even stranger is that my test phpbb 3.0.6 board is also having the same problems. Now I have turned off the block on my main forum, but you can check it out on my test board if you wish. Just scroll down and you can see it on the left.

Anyone have clue to what is going on here?

Here is what it looks like for those of you that don't want to visit my site.

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 23. November 2009 19:59
by Marc
Please update to Version 1.0.4 first.

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 23. November 2009 21:30
by Jupiter
That's doesn't explain a lot.... Why would it work just fine always and then change for no apparent reason? I am looking for the logic and an explaination here before I go and upgrade anything.

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 23. November 2009 21:56
by Marc
I don't know why it just happened now, but there was an error with the Birthday Block in 1.0.3, so please update to 1.0.4.

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 26. November 2009 16:52
by simonjcook
Replacing the birthday block php file with the one from the v1.0.4 package does the trick even if you don't want do an upgrade to v1.0.4;

I tested this earlier as I have the same issue.
On the other hand I don't know why you wouldn't upgrade for the bug-fixes, security fixes etc.

This issue appears to be triggered by users who have not set a birthday date in their profile.

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 27. November 2009 16:32
by IronDogg
It happened to me too. Thats why I am here (I will upgrade to 1.0.4 right away). I noticed this issue the day after I updated to 3.0.6 (right after they released it). Now you say it happened to you even though you did not upgrade to 3.0.6? Then I suspect it somehow has something to do with the process phpbb3 takes to notify the ACP - System Tab that your phpbb3 installation is not up to date, and to upgrade...

At any rate, upgrade to 3.0.6, then upgrade portal to 1.0.4 and see what happens... :)

Re: Birthday block listing all members

Posted: 27. November 2009 21:55
by MarcB
Same problem over here. A few days ago I noticed a huge amount of upcoming birthdays within 7 days. Changing this back to a setting of birthdays within 2 days shows a normal amount.

The members that are listed to have their birthday within 7 days did not register their birthday. I have the impression that if no birthday is registered, the system uses 01.12.2009 as default.

What version of phpBB are you using? phpBB 3.0.5
What is your board's URL?
How did you install your board? I used the download package from
Is your board a fresh install or a conversion? Fresh Install
Do you have any MODs installed? Yes
What MODs do you have installed? Board3 Portal 1.0.3
What styles do you currently have installed? Prosilver and Subsilver
What language(s) is your board currently using? Dutch
When did your problem begin? A Week ago
simonjcook wrote:Replacing the birthday block php file with the one from the v1.0.4 package does the trick even if you don't want do an upgrade to v1.0.4;

I tested this earlier as I have the same issue.
On the other hand I don't know why you wouldn't upgrade for the bug-fixes, security fixes etc.

This issue appears to be triggered by users who have not set a birthday date in their profile.
Thanks, good work around that did the trick :)