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Install error

Posted: 1. January 2009 20:18
by bearqst
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed phpbb3, migrated sql dB, used Colorisit to change the colors in ProSilver.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Searched php sites for info. Looked at the schema files to consider doing manual sql import (still think this is the answer)

Description and Message
After running through all the mod files, uploading them, I tried to go to


What I get is

PInUp Error
You must be logged in as an admin.
Go to login

This even logged in as an Admin as the error says. This is my 2nd board install, first one went fine.

I think this is a directory permissions issue ??

I can run the sql from phpmyadmin, but I'm not 100% sure which one to run. I'm running mysql 5.0

The mysql schema's that show in schema directory are 40, 41 and "update_

So do I run the content from "update_schema" ?


Re: Install error

Posted: 2. January 2009 02:36
by bearqst
Additional Info.

I found the post from October knowledge/kb_show.php?id=14

Which said find/remove

Code: Select all

if( $user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('a_') )
I did, and now when I try to go to ././install.ph_ I get a blank page. No error, no nothing.

The 2nd part of the code to remove

Code: Select all

    } else {
                     include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_header.'.$phpEx);
                     echo '' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_ERROR'] . '';
                     echo '' . $user->lang['INSTALLER_NEEDS_ADMIN'] . '';
                     include($phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal/style/layout_footer.'.$phpEx);
Did not exist.

Re: Install error

Posted: 2. January 2009 12:11
by Kevin
Try this already modified installer: download/file.php?id=130
Delete the install directory right afterwards!

Re: Install error

Posted: 2. January 2009 21:58
by bearqst
Thanks Kevin,

That fixed it. Maybe a bad installer in the package I DL'd ?

Curious why it worked on my first board but not on the 2nd.

I'll do a little digging and see if I can figure out why. I'll post back what I find, if anything.

Thanks again, great mod for phpbb3

Re: Install error

Posted: 3. January 2009 12:44
by Kevin
No, not a bad installer in the package. Just a problems in special circumstances, that should be fixed with the next release (we thought that already before).
bearqst wrote:Curious why it worked on my first board but not on the 2nd.

I'll do a little digging and see if I can figure out why. I'll post back what I find, if anything.
That would be great if you can tell us which difference between the boards caused this problem. The more we know... ;)