Using HTML on portal front page..

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Using HTML on portal front page..

Post by j.rhy@n »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

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I have searched the entire net for help on getting HTML code to show up on the front page news, works on the forum becuase of the HTML mod but when posting to front page the code can be seen but not the content.

Description and Message

I'm using the following mod to enable HTML on my forums [HERE] it works fine when using [html][/html] tags but when I post news to my front page of the portal it does not work, all I see is html code, If I view the forums then the code posted is fine..

Tried to find a solution but no joy, any ideas?

Thx in advance for any help.
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Re: Using HTML on portal front page..

Post by Kevin »

Seems that an adaption for this mod is needed, if you can't do it yourself, post a request in the "Block Requests" forum. Maybe someone else will take a look on it.
If you can, please share it for others.

btw: you can use HTML in the custom blocks.
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Re: Using HTML on portal front page..

Post by j.rhy@n »

Hi Thx for fast reply..

Its not needed for the blocks...

When posting news from my forums, I would like the HTML code added to the forum news be shown on the portal main page as news..

Here is an example --

My Latest News

Now on the front Portal Page

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