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Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 27. September 2008 17:57
by Brogan
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed the portal.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Nothing yet.

Description and Message
I have just installed the Board3 portal according to the instruction.

The phpBB forum is installed at e.g.
The portal is currently installed at e.g.

How easy is it to move the portal.php page up 1 level to the domain root so it is e.g. ?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 27. September 2008 18:14
by Brogan
It's OK, I've sorted it with a simple edit of portal.php and the overall_header & footer.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 27. September 2008 18:14
by Kevin

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 27. September 2008 20:07
by Brogan

I did a search but it didn't find that thread.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 01:46
by Brogan
Well I've tried the steps in that thread but it didn't solve everything.

In the overall_header.html file, {U_PORTAL} is referenced and it still points to /forum/portal.php

Where is U_PORTAL defined?


Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 21:19
by Brogan

I don't really want to have to edit overall_header with the actual path to the portal.php file in the domain root.

I would much rather edit the U_PORTAL variable and do it properly.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 21:26
by Ice
It's one of the edits you do to functions.php I believe.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 21:32
by Brogan
Well as this is an important issue, are any of the designers available to comment?

I need to ensure I capture all of the required edits.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 22:15
by Kevin
Ice gave already the answer.
In functions.php:

Code: Select all

        'U_PORTAL'                => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx"), 

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 28. September 2008 22:34
by Brogan
Thanks for the confirmation.
So in summary then, I need to do the following:

Move portal.php to root
Rename it to home.php (this is what I plan to do)

Edit home.php
From: $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
To: $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './forum/';

Edit functions.php
From: 'U_PORTAL' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx"),
To: 'U_PORTAL' => append_sid("home.$phpEx"),

Edit portal/block/login_box.php
From: 'U_PORTAL' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx")
To: 'U_PORTAL' => append_sid("home.$phpEx")

Update index.html file to point to new path
From: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=forum/portal.php">
To: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=home.php">

Is that it?
Do I need to make any other edits?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 29. September 2008 15:07
by Brogan
Well those edits above aren't enough.

The portal path in overall header is still pointing to /forum/home.php

In addition, after logging in the page is redirected to /forum/home.php

So it would seem there is still a definition for {U_PORTAL} somewhere that needs to be changed.
Can any of the designers confirm where this is?

Re: Moving portal.php from /forum to root

Posted: 29. September 2008 18:37
by Brogan
This has now been solved.

The U_PORTAL definition in functions include needs to be: 'U_PORTAL' => append_sid("../home.$phpEx"),