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Adding an Amazon search to a custom block?

Posted: 25. October 2012 17:36
by Mr.Noobsworth
I'm very sorry that I can't seem to understand the instructions in the knowledge base /knowledge/kb_show.php?id=54

I just want to add an Amazon affiliate search to the left or right of the portal. It seems like it should be simple but the instructions in the knowledge base are not making any sense to me. Would some kind soul please explain to a noob how to get this accomplished?

Here is the code that I need to be in the block:

Code: Select all

<SCRIPT charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src=""> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><A HREF=""> Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT>

Re: Adding an Amazon search to a custom block?

Posted: 25. October 2012 20:04
by Marc
You can add a custom block in the ACP. Just click on "Add module" and then choose to add a custom block. Then make sure your custom block uses HTML and not BBCodes.

The instructions you refered to are for creating modules. This is needed when you need to run PHP code or database queries for your module/block.

Re: Adding an Amazon search to a custom block?

Posted: 25. October 2012 21:27
by Mr.Noobsworth
*Nevermind* I'm an idiot
