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RECENT Module + Weather Module

Posted: 18. October 2012 12:35
by Cypriotmatrix
Hi all,

I was just wondering how I can set up my forum Announcements and Recent Popular topics in the RECENT Module just like you guys have on your portal?

Mine only has Recent topics. How can I add the others to fill that big box?


How can I add a weather Module? I notice you have made a module but that is from WETTER and is in German. Is there a similar module for English Weather which I can set to Cyprus.

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: RECENT Module + Weather Module

Posted: 18. October 2012 18:09
by Kirk
You can in ACP / mods / portal / portal modules on Recent select the forum that you want to display.

For Weather:

Search page for the weather of Cyprus.
Copy the html code there replace the postcode by {WEATHER_PLZ}