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The Ministry Of The Underworld

Posted: 31. July 2008 04:18
by GCypher
Well first off, i would like to say thanks for the hard work ;)
Now ive tried diff portals in last few weeks, but i guess will stick with this 1, very easy to use and simple.
and few other things. I know its nothing special to be honest, but hey its the way I like till now :D
Anyway comments are welcome positive or negative ;) (be gentle) :lol: :lol:

The Ministry Of The Underworld


Re: The Gathering

Posted: 31. July 2008 14:52
by Steve_B
Thanks for sharing, I like what you have achieved ... great job 8-)

Re: The Gathering

Posted: 6. August 2008 08:36
by GCypher
Thanks for the kind words ;)

Re: The Gathering

Posted: 25. September 2008 12:46
by Vonne
Wow I like it! Looks very good!

Re: The Gathering

Posted: 6. October 2008 17:20
by GCypher
Thanks ;)