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root install?

Posted: 3. July 2008 19:00
by Forgoten Dynasty
i was wondering if its possible to install it in the root of your site so when you go to
you get the portal but then when you go to
you get the fourms

Re: root install?

Posted: 3. July 2008 23:51
by clyde4210
that's how it works when you visit your sites main url you will get the main portol page then when you click board index or forums in the block you'll go to the forums. now if you have your site in a sub folder no it wouldn't be possible getting it to work unless it's in the root of that sub folder.

so if your phpbb is installed in a folder called forums then the answer is no. you would need to install the portol there.

you could always work it around a htaccess file but, that would hurt the search engines.

Re: root install?

Posted: 4. July 2008 08:00
by Kevin
Clyde, i'm sorry to gainsay you.
It is possible to let the portal run somewhere else than in the forum root.

Open portal.php
Find and modify:

Code: Select all

$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
to. e.g.

Code: Select all

$phpbb_root_path = '../forums/';
"forums" should be the name of your forum root directory

Could be that you have to modify a few more lines (not tested yet). Please get back to this topic with the error messages if you receive any.

Re: root install?

Posted: 4. July 2008 17:56
by clyde4210
that's ok. the way i understood his question was that he has his site in a sub folder like pic shows 3 sub folders.


as you see it wouldn't be possible due to the fact i already have a site installed at the root. that would redirect my main site users to the test folder.

now my test folder is a new cms (not available yet... having phpbb3 at its core in the forums folder. which is what he was asking. in that case i am incorrect.


is there anywhere i could make suggestions for this portal?

Kevin is correct.

Code: Select all

$phpbb_root_path = './Forums/';
would take you to from

Re: root install?

Posted: 4. July 2008 18:51
by Kevin
clyde4210 wrote:as you see it wouldn't be possible due to the fact i already have a site installed at the root. that would redirect my main site users to the test folder.
Sure it's possible in that constellation. The portal could run parallel to other sites in the root - you don't need necessarily to modify the .htaccess to show up the portal as your front page. So the portal could coexist with your other sites.
A user will be redirected from the portal to the sub folder with the phpBB3 core files, as soon as he e.g. clicks a news link or something.
As far as you have modified the link to the portal in the overall_header.html to point back to the portal file in your root directory, everything should work out fine.
clyde4210 wrote:is there anywhere i could make suggestions for this portal?
Yes, sure:
- Feature requests could be posted in the Bugtracker.
- Everything regarding additional blocks / block developement could be posted in the Block Dev forums.

Re: root install?

Posted: 5. July 2008 01:57
by Forgoten Dynasty
ok i got it i needed to make my line look like this

Code: Select all

$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : 'forums/';