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Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 8. June 2008 14:03
by Emma

I really do hope this all makes sense :oops:

I am new to all the phpbb3 stuff and finding all a bit overwhelming at the moment.
I have looked through the installation and i can't quite grasp what i must do in regards to the portal.
To the more knowledgeable it will make sense but to myself it makes very little.
All i want to do is install the portal to my new site, but there's just too much to figure out, work out etc.
And i just don't know what to do. Is there any other quick and easy route for someone like myself to install it without having to fiddle with it too much?
At the moment i'm using an ftp surfer which installs things in other things?? ( i've only just worked out how to install a board style) Everything else means nothing to me as again, i'm new to it all. Is there anyone that could help me through this please? Or install it for me? :oops: :lol:

Your help would be truly appreciated, but please have patience as i am a newbie and finding it overwhelming.

Re: Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 9. June 2008 00:41
by thomas.d
Hi Emma,

the whole installation procedure is explained in install.xml (included in the download package).

If you find this to much complicated you should try to get a little more familiar with installing MODs for phpBB.

Prior to installing you may read Modifications FAQ How to install a MODX Modification

Then you should have a closer look to the FAQ here, especially the "Installation & Setup"-section.

After that you should be well prepared to try the installation, it is not that difficult ...

Re: Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 12. June 2008 12:48
by Emma
Hi Thomas,

Many Thanks, i've found that and have an idea of what to do.

May i ask, it's probably something right in front of me, but i'm just struggling as to where to locate the following:

Copy: root/install_portal/*.*
To: install_portal/*.*

Where it states Copy: root/install_portal/*.*

Where do i look for the /*.* to copy to the install_portal/*.*

What is that exactly?

The /*.* bit ?

Where do i find that ?

Something silly perhaps, but it's all new and i'm getting there slowly :D

I'll probably laugh at myself when i finally work it all out :lol:

Re: Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 12. June 2008 14:00
by thomas.d
Hi Emma,

the "*"-symbol is a wildcard-symbol (from old DOS-days ...).

It stands for any (legal) character of a filename and for any (legal) number of (legal) characters.

"*.*" stands for any (legal) character of a filename and extension, separated by a dot.

FYI: the "?"-symbol stands for one (legal) character of a filename, so "??" stand for two and "????" stand for four (legal) characters of a filename.

A path like /root/install_portal/*.* means

"all files and all folders in and under the /root/install_portal/ -path"

FYI: A path like /root/install_portal/*.php means

"all files - no matter which name - with the php-extension and all folders in and under the /root/install_portal/ -path"


a path like /root/install_portal/portal.* means

"all files named "portal" with any extension and all folders in and under the /root/install_portal/ -path"

So finally

copy /root/install_portal/*.*


copy the install_portal-folder with all files and subfolders to the destination-folder (root).

Re: Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 12. June 2008 14:48
by Emma
Hi Thomas,

Bless, Thank you ever so much for taking the time to explain. It was greatly appreciated.
I've tried to understand all within the installation but finding it extremely difficult and mind boggling.
Despite it having a guide :(

I manage to get so far before the brain wants to pop :oops: :lol:

So Thank you for helping but i'm afraid i just can't get the hang of it i'm sorry :oops:

Re: Finding the installation a bit too much

Posted: 3. July 2008 08:31
by clyde4210
It's pretty simple. open the portol folder, inside you will see a folder called root. open that root folder. from there just upload the files/folders that don't match your forum folders. Prett simple any folder you see matching a folder you already have open it up and move the files within into the same folder on your server.

example: we see a folder called includes, in my file manager i open the includes folder. now in the portol i see a folder called acp. so on my server i open the acp folder in includes. now i take the file located in includes/acp and move it to my servers folder in the acp folder i just opened.

root just means the main folder structure of your site.

say you had a folder called test and inside that folder you had phpbb3 installed. so you would open the test folder and that would be called root or home.