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[Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 18. May 2008 10:20
by Kharon
hi, sorry "my english very bad" ..

I want to news block 2 for portal , please ..

news block 2 content:
  • news Forum IDs : no
  • news "Topic IDs" : yes/ok

music forum:(f=4)
- (title) music news (topic Ids:t=21) = portal news2 block

thank you

Re: [Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 29. May 2008 13:32
by Gavailer
Ja! Ich brauche auch das! Wie kann man das realisieren? Bitte, helfen uns!

Ich habe Annoncements aus Forum id 4
Ich habe News aus Forum id 6
Ich brauche noch News2 aus id 8

Vielen Dank im voraus!

Re: [Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 13. June 2008 23:42
by fak3santa
I need second news block too. How can i do it?

Re: [Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 15. June 2008 18:29
by spongeweb
I did start work on this, but got stuck halfway through, its something I need also, I want a block that pulls my pictures thread, and a block that pulls my joke thread,

If noone else has a quick mod, Im happy to work on it, if thats ok with kevin and staff.

Re: [Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 23. June 2008 13:29
by Kharon
okay,thanks I am waiting ;)
spongeweb wrote:I did start work on this, but got stuck halfway through, its something I need also, I want a block that pulls my pictures thread, and a block that pulls my joke thread,

If noone else has a quick mod, Im happy to work on it, if thats ok with kevin and staff.

Re: [Requests] news Block 2

Posted: 23. June 2008 15:55
by Kharon
sorry my english very bad..

my question:

new portal block how to show a topic ID's content
