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Problem with "News block"

Posted: 10. March 2012 21:09
by tirtha
In my News block, threads are coming based on Creation time (descending order). How I can display them based on recent reply posted time.

I meant to say, the thread which has recent most reply will stay at top.

Please help.

** Updated the Block name. My bad.

Re: Problem with "News block"

Posted: 12. March 2012 21:25
by tirtha
Did I ask anything wrong or my question is confusing. Not sure.

Right now, the News block is showing the threads in descending order based on the creation time. But I want them to be shorted based on the last post time on any thread. Means the thread with the latest post will stay at top.

Please help.

Re: Problem with "News block"

Posted: 23. March 2012 21:21
by Malevolent
There is an option within the news block's settings to sort based on Thread date or reply dates.