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PayPal question

Posted: 6. May 2008 11:12
by Bible Poet
Hi all, I got a paypal question. I just don't know how to ask it where I can make my self clear. So I will try to do it this way.
I want to make a payment to support a pbb3 board. I sign in as Username, and click the paypal button on the portal.
and I am taken to paypal where I have to login with my real name to make the payment. Now here comes the question.
As a admin. How will I know. that Username made the payment when I recieve the payment under the real name and not the user name. Is there a way to fine out who the username is that made payment.
Thank You.

:D :D :D

Re: PayPal question

Posted: 6. May 2008 21:52
by Kevin
If i understood you correct:
You want the user name to be given to the paypal form?

Re: PayPal question

Posted: 7. May 2008 03:54
by Bible Poet
What I want to know is, if a member makes a donation. I as the admin. want to know who that member is, I may not know him or her by their real name I just might know them by the name that they reg. with. Like here I reg. as Bible Poet. but if I make a donation to this board by my real name account at paypal how will you know that it was Bible Poet that made the donation, and not my real name that you may never know.
That is my question? I hope that I explained it right . sorry if not.
:D :D :D

Re: PayPal question

Posted: 18. May 2008 09:42
by Bible Poet
:D :D :D

Re: PayPal question

Posted: 18. May 2008 11:05
by Ice
The current form goes straight from your portal page to paypal, without any talking to your portal. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how one would go about doing what you are asking for, sorry. :(

Re: PayPal question

Posted: 19. May 2008 15:07
by Bible Poet
Thanks Ice. I was just wondering if there could be a return from PayPal to the portal and at that point maybe a PM sent to Admin. saying that user so and so made a donation. I know that other sites after you make a paypal payment you are returned to the point where you started. It would be nice if It could be done.
Thanks again for your responce.
:D :D :D