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Error when trying to bring up Portal General Config screen

Posted: 18. October 2011 22:34
by Dark Silver
I've come across a issue after installing portal3 2.0 on my board.

I installed the package with Auto-MOD with no issues on my test forum (a mirror install of everything but the DB), and made the decision to install it on my live forum shortly there after.

I've come across a issue in the live board's install though. Everything appears to work, until I attempt to access the Portal General Settings under the .MOD tab in my ACP. When I click on the link to bring up the options, I get these messages:

Both forums are running phpBB3.0.9.
The only major difference between the two install environments, is that my test forum is running PHP Version 5.3.8, while my live server is running PHP Version 5.2.5

For now, I've uninstalled the portal on the live server, until I can figure out why it's not properly installing. Any help that can be given would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance