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2.0.0 Portal bloc

Posted: 11. June 2011 22:14
by arshess
Hi everybody,

I have a problem with my portal.
I copied the archive files on my Server and I did the following step. It looked ok but by opening the internet page I saw that:

Have you go a piece of advice or a solution to this problem.

With all my thankfulness.

ps: Sorry for my bad english :? .

Re: 2.0.0 Portal bloc

Posted: 12. June 2011 10:38
by Marc
Please check all the files you edited or uploaded. Also check if you uploaded all language files correctly.

Re: 2.0.0 Portal bloc

Posted: 12. June 2011 11:44
by arshess
i have uploaded all the files in the .zip and i have modified once and check the modification once more.

I have copied all files in ( ) on the file board3 before uploading it on my ftp

Re: 2.0.0 Portal bloc

Posted: 16. June 2011 12:14
by arshess
another idea plz ?

i'm stuck by this problem for my guild website

Re: 2.0.0 Portal bloc

Posted: 17. June 2011 11:39
by anywhere91

I'll double-check the translation files this weekend


Bonjour / Soir

Je vais revérifier les fichiers de traduction ce weekend
