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News block image size issue!

Posted: 26. April 2011 10:07
by Darkorz
Your Portal Version: 1.0.6
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I've set up a working phpBB3 board with Board3 portal. After that, I installed WowCataclysm theme (which is on the Released styles section of these boards)

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I installed the ReIMG MOD, an image resizer mod, which is perfectly working on the forums, but not on the portal.

Description and Message
Hello there!

To begin with: nice job with the portal and kudos for your hardwork.

I've been browsing these boards for a week and I've been trying different stuff to fix this news block size issue. After finding myself unable to fix it (and feeling like an utter idiot) I decided to register and post this thread.

The thing is everything worked fine until I uploaded a high res pic, which kinda destroyed the whole portal template. I've been looking around for side margins and stuff but I've not found the code I need to edit. As I also stated, I tried addind an image resize mod, which fully works on the boards but not on the portal.

Question here is: how/what can I edit to avoid high res pics destroying the theme OR how can I get the ReIMG MOD to work on the portal site?

Thank you for your time and attention