Gallery - Gallery is not up to date!!!

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Gallery - Gallery is not up to date!!!

Post by Foxy »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

Having just updated my Portal, Gallery and installed the latest Gallery Block mod, I am not getting a message at the top of my gallery index page, in red, saying: Information: Gallery is not up to date

This has just suddenly appeared. Was ok just after all the updates :o

Also, when I click on an image, I cannot get the slideshow to launch. There doesn't seem to be an option for this in any of the configuration settings.

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Re: Gallery - Gallery is not up to date!!!

Post by Kevin »

Best to ask at the mod authors site, as this seems to be an gallery issue:
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: Gallery - Gallery is not up to date!!!

Post by Foxy »

Thanks Kevin.

Was a bit previous with my post. There is a fix for this bug over at Have just completed the fix on my site and it appears to be working ok.

The problem with the slideshow, Lytebox and Highslide JS is with the license. It is no longer included with the phpBB gallery mod. You have to download and install the files yourself. Again, Nick has made this easy for everyone and details can be found over at flying-bits.or


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Re: Gallery - Gallery is not up to date!!!

Post by frec »

I also had this issue.
There seems to be a problem because board3portal and phpbb gallery is both using function version check file, but different code.
because both declared the same function mod_version_check(), and when the function is called, it either call the function to get gallery version or get board3portal version.
for example, the current release of board3 portal is 1.0.4 ,and the current release of phpbb gallery is 1.0.3
when the gallery asks for $return_version inside mod_version_check(), it gets the info from mod_version_check() that board3 portal has, and returns 1.0.4, and that is the reason why it gives gallery is not up to date.
since the function version check only updates once a day, you rarely see it unless you are using a testing board that nobody visits beside you for the whole day. unless you log all of phpBB errors.
my fix was to change every mod_version_check() for gallery to mod_version_check_gallery() and
change mod_version_check() for portal to mod_version_check_portal() it fixes the problem.

hope you guys can fix this in the next update to change mod_version_check() to mod_version_check_portal()
if you guys take a look at the top of the code for portal/includes/function_version_check, it says:

Code: Select all

* @package phpBB Gallery
* @version $Id: functions_version_check.php 545 2009-09-13 13:04:14Z christian_n $
* @copyright (c) 2007 StarTrekGuide
* @license GNU Public License
this version check is just implemented in board3 1.0.4, and my suggestion is to change the name of this function so that board3 will be more complatible with other mods.
I personally think this is the problem, but I am not a programmer, so let me know if I am wrong.

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