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How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 02:43
by Frog
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I figured I'd just put portal.php and the portal folder in the root directory to make the portal my homepage but it doesn't work. When I go to it goes to the portal and I want it to go to the forum and when I go to I want it to go to the portal.

Similar to this site.

Thanks for any help!

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 03:44
by vengeance

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 11:59
by Frog
Thanks for link. It worked but...

I want it to be so goes right to the portal. Right now it goes to my ftp index. However goes to the portal.

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 17:17
by Mike

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 20:47
by Frog
Nah that's not my problem. I can see the .htacess file and I edited it. my portal is at I want it to appear at without entering the portal.php part.

Thanks though.

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 27. March 2009 21:41
by Kevin
This is done with the edits in the .htaccess, as stated in the install.xml:

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 28. March 2009 00:00
by Mike
Frog wrote:Nah that's not my problem
Quote from the linked Article:
In some cases it is neccessary to edit the .htaccess file, especially when you want to direct your users to the portal page (portal.php) as the front page of your forum instead of the forum index (index.php).
That means that you just have to enter (instead of to see the Portal.

Isnt that exactly what you want?

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 28. March 2009 20:51
by Frog
Yes but that topic dealt with finding the .htaccess file which isn't hidden for me and I made the changes noted in the thread and it still didn't work but then I realized that the permissions wouldn't let the .htaccess file be edited. Anyway it's solved now so thank you for the help and links everyone.

I just have one completely off-topic question that I don't want to make a new thread for. When someone is viewing (which is now the portal) does it record the guests on the who's online box on the forum?

just wondering Thanks

Re: How do I make the portal my homepage?

Posted: 29. March 2009 22:01
by Mike
Yes... it does ;)