Hot to get Recent News to display time of post

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Hot to get Recent News to display time of post

Post by jotne »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
I have installed the portal and done some modification to it. But there is one ting I can not figure out how to do.
I would like to have the data stamp for the recent news behind each line like "Test info 30 Jan 2009 09:14"

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I have tried to modify the recent.html by adding {latest_topics.TIME} but it does not work
If you look at the board I have already done the some of it in news.html by moving around {news_row.TIME}

As you see I also have stripped the recent.html some by removing global news etc.
PS its named "SISTE POSTER I FORUMET" = recent.html

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