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problem with attachments (images) in Announcements block

Posted: 20. January 2009 16:53
by odklizec
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
The problem is here right from Portal integration.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I tried to add/change the Image resizing script normally used in OverallHeader, but it does not help.

Description and Message
Hello folks.

My problem lies in displaying the attachments (both normal and inline) in the "Latest global announcements" block. If the attachment (usually image) is larger than the width of announcement block, the whole portal looks distorted.

Please go to my board and select page 2 in announcements history. The announcements from that page will be loaded and the attached images will be loaded in their full resolution. The portal looks badly distorted.
Now click on announcement title to jump to the source topic in forum >> All oversized photos will automatically be scaled down. This is done by "Auto Image Resizer w Lytebox" MOD, which works very well, unfortunately, only in forum. It seems that the code in OverallHeader responsible for resizing large attachments is simply ignored by Portal/Announcements block.

Does anyone have any idea what to do to make the auto resizer functional also in Portal?

And one more question (or suggestion for next version of Portal), is there an option to tell the Announcements block to load just a defined number of attachments? It would be really great to have an option to load just 1, 2 or 0 attachments in Announcements. At the moment, we can limit the number of characters loaded in Announcement block, but not the number of attachments, which makes the portal page very long.

Thank you in advance!

Re: problem with attachments (images) in Announcements block

Posted: 23. January 2009 10:34
by odklizec
Anyone guys? I'm sure I'm not alone with this "oversized attachments in Announcements" problem? If you don't use "Auto Image Resizer w Lytebox" mod, then how do you solve this issue?

Re: problem with attachments (images) in Announcements block

Posted: 6. February 2009 12:28
by odklizec
OK folks, I finally solved the problem by replacing the non-working image resizer with Air-Box mod. Announcements now works as expected.

However, it would be great to have an option to display only a given number of attached photos in the Announcements block (for example, in the same or similar way as limiting the number of displayed characters). Thank you in advance!