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My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 12. December 2008 10:40
by arteta79
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Can you tell me y this happent????? plz see my forum...

Re: My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 12. December 2008 16:25
by Kevin
I guess your image in the welcome box is too wide.
Remove it and see if the portal is still streched.

Re: My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 12. December 2008 17:55
by arteta79
i had the same image and it was ok. do u know if it is something else wrong? i havent change anything and suddenly happent that...

Re: My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 12. December 2008 19:32
by Kevin
Remove the picture for a test.
Something is too wide and normally this don't happen all in the sudden. There should be a reason for it.
What have you done before?

Re: My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 12. December 2008 20:37
by arteta79
i removed the image but nothing happent. I upload the back ups and the forum is same... Can u imagine what cause this?

Re: My Portal is Streched...

Posted: 13. December 2008 15:05
by arteta79
I used a database 0 days before and everything is ok... After i use the latest database and the portal is wrgong... Plz someone if can imagine whats wrong plz tell me....