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Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 24. October 2008 22:53
by dv-design
Hey guys,

I just had a user point out that the login block has no option to login. This could be confusing for users even though i have a clearly marked register button in my top navigation bar.

Is there an easy way to simply ad a small register link to the login block?

Im gonna try working on this myself and if i find an answer ill post it. You might want to consider adding this as a default.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 25. October 2008 14:27
by j.rhy@n
Here is one solution for you but dont forget that the register link is also on the left side of the portal under Main Menu.

Before adding this MOD to your portal, you should back up all files related to this MOD.

Open: styles/your_style_name/template/portal/blocks/login_box.html

Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select all

<input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="viewonline" tabindex="4" /> <span class="gensmall">{L_UM_HIDE_ME}</span><br />

Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.

Code: Select all

<!-- ENDIF -->	
                 <br>Not yet a member?   <a href="{U_REGISTER}">{L_REGISTER}</a> now!<br>
                   <!-- ENDIF -->
Save all files. End of MOD.
You have finished the installation for this MOD. Upload all changed files to your website. If the installation went bad, simply restore your backed up files.

Example: Image

Live Example:

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 25. October 2008 21:47
by dv-design
Thanks worked like a charm..i know its silly, i not only have the register option in the portal menu but in my navigation bar. However people are dumb and if its not right in front of their face where they expect it then they will not find it.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 11. January 2009 14:29
by deaftone
I did exactly what u guys said but here's the error that i get instead, when i try to view the portal.php as a guest.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /nfs/c03/h04/mnt/57867/domains/ on line 23

I have purged the cache and everything and etc.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 6. September 2010 04:27
by zxen
How do I do this in the latest Portal? Registration is essential. It should always be included as an option in the Login box. It makes me angry that it's not there. It's really dumb.

*My TV commercial for my site was just advertised to hundreds of thousands of people in Australia and they CANNOT REGISTER. WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME ??????????

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 8. September 2010 17:20
by archivar
Hi zxen,
show us a link to your board.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 30. September 2010 13:15
by zxen
My site is

I took the portal away because I had to reinstall phpbb 3 times after the portal ruined my site for reasons I have forgotten. All the comments I have made on took more than a week to be published. It's pretty shocking. I wonder if this one will be instant.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 30. September 2010 21:58
by Marc
If you would like us to add a new feature, please post it in the feature tracker:

By the way, the last version of the Portal has been downloaded over 18000 times and I never heard of any case where the Portal broke the forum. It is either some issue not caused by the Portal or the user made an error upon installing Board3 Portal. Bugs are possible, but they never break your board.

Re: Login Block lacks register option

Posted: 12. October 2010 21:23
by derebo

Yes, this is a question I was thinking about. Glad I found this topic!

I have to agree with dv-design: it seems users are just somehow careless as the register link is clearly located in the left menu column. From my viewpoint, the way it is relly ok, from a user viewpoint (maybe careless user) it might not be so clear as I have also been pointed out the same thing...

I appreciate j.rhy@n's piece of code as my coding abilites are equal to almost null. The post is a bit outdated, though. Some 2 years ago, so after much trial and error, this is my 2 cent contribution, should I say update:

board3 1.0.6

Open: /root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/login_box.html
(in my case it's default prosilver)

you can place the text anywhere you want so in my a case:


Code: Select all

    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{U_PORTAL}" />
    <input type="submit" name="login" tabindex="5" value="{L_LOGIN}" class="button1" />
add after:

Code: Select all

    <br />
        <br>Not yet a member?   <a href="{U_REGISTER}">{L_REGISTER}</a> now!<br>
    <!-- ENDIF -->