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Main-Menu in Portal

Posted: 26. August 2008 03:01
by Steve_B
I noticed when I was upgrading to RC2 that on checking out the results that when you view the portal in IE6 there is a space (one line) between each menu item. Now being not to good at CSS decided I would cheat and use the code from RC1 as that works fine. Was it on purpose that IE6 was forgotten about, as in to old and no support, or has this problem not been noticed.

Doesn't matter to me to be honest as I can live with using the code from RC1 happily

Re: Main-Menu in Portal

Posted: 26. August 2008 07:34
by Kevin
Steve_B wrote:Was it on purpose that IE6 was forgotten about, as in to old and no support, or has this problem not been noticed.
Thanks for the hint, Steve.
I think it hasn't been noticed, as nobody tested it with IE6 (i don't have it installed anymore). ;)

Re: Main-Menu in Portal

Posted: 26. August 2008 09:30
by Steve_B
:lol: If I had my choice I wouldn't either but about 25% of my users actually use it so I am a little mindful to not alienate them after all 25% is a large portion.