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problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 3. August 2008 15:45
by voaske
Hello i'm anewbie here and i have a question
on my new portal there's something strange:
The first block in the center is ok (recent)
the second (laatste nieuws) is not ok because the inner field (light blue) is against the left boarder ?
The third block (wie is er online) is ok

Link to my portal:
Can somebody help me whit this ?

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 3. August 2008 16:11
by Kevin
Seems that this is a problem with your style.
Have you taken a look on Chris' site if you find a "ready to use" adaption of your style?

btw: in IE the styling looks okay. ;)

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 3. August 2008 16:13
by voaske
yes i've seen it also in IE its ok

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 4. August 2008 22:26
by voaske
Kevin wrote:Seems that this is a problem with your style.
Have you taken a look on Chris' site if you find a "ready to use" adaption of your style?
btw: in IE the styling looks okay. ;)
The problem is the style indeed, but I use the style Arrow and I didn't see anny adaption for that style :roll:

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 03:10
by Steve_B
I also use Arrow on my portal and board, as it is based on Prosilver those are the adaptions that you use voaske :)

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 6. August 2008 15:47
by voaske
Can you descirbe a litlle more, what did you do to solve this prob ?
(A link to to your protal)

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 7. August 2008 02:45
by Steve_B
I have had a similar problem a link to my portal is here. All I did was go back to the ACP [.MOD Tab]and choose "Compact news block style: YES" If you have NO then I also have the same problem, I have been lazy and haven't had a look for the error.

This error is not a problem in IE6 but is a problem in FF3

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 23. August 2008 14:00
by Deake
hey voaske, i'm having the same problem, more or less.. (i'm still testing it on an offline-forum though, because i don't want to screw up my live site)

how did you solve your problems, since i see your site is ok right now? or did you put the 'mededelingen' also on compact? And what about your main/personal menu? on my site, the menu-items are alligned a bit too far to the left..(as you can see on img below)


Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 24. August 2008 08:27
by Steve_B
Deake, to me it looks like you have not uploaded your amended stylesheet.css, because your picture shows that your panel is not a darker blue than the background. If you have then you will need to refresh your themes to see the difference

Re: problem with blocks on the portal

Posted: 24. August 2008 14:27
by Deake
ah right... i didn't clear the theme buffer either :D thanks m8...