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Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 13:27
by sablehawk
Hey again,

Tried to install the picture gallery and getting an error
Language file gallery.php couldn't be opened.
I have uploaded the language files that came with the portal mod and still getting the same error. I've checked all my packages for a gallery.php and no luck.

Anyone have a clue to what I should do? There's some stuff in the german support area but unfortunately I don't speak or read german :(

Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 16:11
by Heinrich-XIV

This file is located in the Install Folder of the gallery. Browse to root/language/en/mods/. There you find it. If you use another Language, you have to do it also with this. Copy this file to your language/mods Folder and check the Installation for other missing files.

After this, it is recomned to purge the cache via ACP and refresh your Browser by hiting F5



Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 16:13
by Kevin
Moved topic to "General phpBB3 Support".

Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 18:16
by sablehawk
Is there a problem with the latest zip then?

When I go to the directory it has the language files for every language EXCEPT english.

I'll look again when I get home but I tore that thing apart and even used search function but couldn't find an en folder in the mod.

Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 18:23
by Heinrich-XIV

Wich Version do you use?

It is not the phpgalerie by nickvergessen version 0.3.1?


Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 30. July 2008 20:00
by sablehawk
The one I am using is from here at viewtopic.php?f=21&t=92

Is there a better one to be using?

Re: Error when installing picture gallery

Posted: 31. July 2008 06:46
by Heinrich-XIV
*Oh Yeah* :mrgreen:

This is not the Mod, it's an Add on for the Mod to show the Pictures on the Portal.

The real Mod you can find here:

You must install this Mod first, than you can configure and use the add on from Christian_N. ;)

