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Problem with install (solved)

Posted: 29. July 2008 13:41
by sablehawk
Hi Folks,

Recently tried to install board3portal_1_0_0_rc1 and I'm having a problem.

I install phpbb 3.0.1 and get it set up, upload the board 3 portal files, manually do the changes in the install.xml and when I go to the link for the board install it tells me to click start for the install process.

Unfortunately every time I click start the screen flashes like it's going to load something and then it's right back at the start screen again.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 29. July 2008 14:34
by Kevin
Link to your forum?

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 30. July 2008 03:17
by sablehawk
My site is at and the error I'm getting is

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Table 'sanction_sanctuary.phpbb_portal_config' doesn't exist [1146]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.

I have read the other posts on the site (2 of which were completely unhelpful as they just said "I fixed it" and gave no details. I have manually edited the files, did the install in and have gotten nowhere.

I did take a look at my phpmyadmin and do not notice there being an entry for phpbb_portal_config so I'm figuring that is the problem. Would anyone know the entries I need to put in to manually input a database entry? it's asking for # of fields, field, type, Length/Values, collation, attributes, null, default, extra and comments.

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 30. July 2008 04:46
by OBeer-WAN-Kenobi
Hi sablehawk,
I'm no expert at all but I have sucessfully installed this portal on 3 different boards. I had this problem once and it was to do with my file edits. It was one of two things, either because I was using notepad (bad idea) or because I just plain missed something. If you use wordpad you should be allright. I've had no problems with that. I would try the file edits again on your backups and upload them fresh, then redo the install and see what happens.

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 30. July 2008 08:09
by Kevin
sablehawk wrote:did the install in and have gotten nowhere.
  1. Did our installer say that the portal is successfully installed? Which message did you receive?
  2. <-- that the index page runs without a error message indicates that you don't have done all edits. In this case in the includes/constants.php. Otherwise you would get a error message on the index.php - something like "Table 'your_db.PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE' doesn't exist."
  3. That leads me to the question: have you done all edits, as described in our install.xml - uploaded the modified files and purged the cache?

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 30. July 2008 12:45
by sablehawk
I finally got it ... for some reason using notepad was causing problems but following the suggestion OBeer-WAN-Kenobi made I used wordpad and everything worked fine.

Thanks for the suggestion Obeer :)

Re: Problem with install (solved)

Posted: 30. July 2008 14:43
by Marc
Don't use Wordpad either. I recommend you use Notepad++. It is a very good and fast program with a lot of features. You can download it here:

Re: Problem with install (solved)

Posted: 30. July 2008 14:48
by Kevin
I do agree. ;)
Notepad++ is also good to avoid problems regarding language file formatting (UTF-8 without BOM): viewtopic.php?f=24&t=556

Re: Problem with install

Posted: 31. July 2008 02:03
by OBeer-WAN-Kenobi
sablehawk wrote:Thanks for the suggestion Obeer :)
No problem. I'm just glad I could actually help someone! :D