I just try to install the portal for second time this afternoon but I'm blocked always at the same step :
When I point my browser to the install folder, I obtain an error 404 :There is a PHP install file that needs to be run in order to complete the installation.
To run it point your browser to, for example, domain.tld/phpBB3/install/index.php
I don't understand why I'm automaticaly redirected to "install/install/index.php" whereas I request "install/index.php".Not Found
The requested URL /phpbb1/install/install/index.php was not found on this server.
I confirm i have copy all portal files and modify all files as discribed in installation instructions.
Also I confirm file install/index.php is the FTP.
Do you know what could be origin of error ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards.
(Answer in english or french)