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[RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 09:30
by lonepare
Hi .... I upgraded last night from 0.21 ..... beginning to wish I hadn't now... anyway the problem is with the SEO Mod and compact news.... If remember correctly I had the same problem last time ..... unfortunately the work around for that does not fix this issue....


Code: Select all

<a name="n{news_row.N_ID}"></a><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/arrow_right.gif" alt=""/> 
					<!-- IF news_row.S_UNREAD_INFO -->{NEWEST_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE -->{READ_POST_IMG}<!-- ENDIF --> {news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}  <!-- IF news_row.S_POLL --><strong>{L_POLL}: </strong><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{news_row.U_LAST_COMMENTS}" title="{S_NEWEST_OR_FIRST}" class="topictitle">{news_row.TITLE}</a>
					<br style="clear:both" />
The problem is with this part {news_row.U_LAST_COMMENTS}

I have managed to get my board working but had to use a work around similar to the problem I had in version 0.21 and I stress this is only a work around and not a fix/solution...

Okay so find the code above and replace with this.....

Code: Select all

<a name="n{news_row.N_ID}"></a><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/arrow_right.gif" alt=""/> 
					<!-- IF news_row.S_UNREAD_INFO -->{NEWEST_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE -->{READ_POST_IMG}<!-- ENDIF --> {news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}  <!-- IF news_row.S_POLL --><strong>{L_POLL}: </strong><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}" title="{S_NEWEST_OR_FIRST}" class="topictitle">{news_row.TITLE}</a>
					<br style="clear:both" />
Notice I changed {news_row.U_LAST_COMMENTS} to {news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS} Like I said it's just a work around till the issue can be solved.... and instead of taking you to the last comment it takes you to the first.... which is not what I want....

So for this to be fixed is there anyone that can help me resolve this so that the SEO MOD does work with portal... and it does work with the rest of the portal.... just not viewtopic.php and viewforum.php properly ..... Dont quote me tho as I dont understand a word of it.... lol.....

Here is the output of the url before I made the changes..... this does not work..... ... 1739#p1739
and this is how it should look so that it can work....

Please help I realy need this to be resolved.... here is a link to Handmans seo mod ... 9&t=691165
regards Micheal... :(

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 12:54
by Kevin
As i answered before on
Saint_hh wrote:There should be no need to implement the old fix.
Just go to the ACP --> News --> and set "display the first post"
Then it should work with the SEO mod.
So let's follow this topic here, not on

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 15:44
by lonepare
Kevin wrote:As i answered before on
Saint_hh wrote:There should be no need to implement the old fix.
Just go to the ACP --> News --> and set "display the first post"
Then it should work with the SEO mod.
So let's follow this topic here, not on
I am sorry Kevin but it does not work.... and I would like to have the link to go to last post.... not first.... so your answer is just a work around and not the fix....
I dont understand how it is not working..... but someone with good knowledge of php could take a look and find out how to fix.... I am sure is just a small fix.... everything else on your Portal board seems to work with the seo mod.... why is this one piece of code not working with it... ? regards Micheal. :?

okay will follow topic here .... just thought might get a better response in both places...

Where in your code does this get transformed to this ... 1739#p1739
I need to look so can experiment so I can get this

it outputs: topic title, topic id, p id ............ where can I change it to this in board3 code please... thanks.

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 17:28
by Kevin
I think now i know what the problem is.

open news.php


Code: Select all

'U_LAST_COMMENTS'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $fetch_news[$i]['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '#p' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id']),
replace with:

Code: Select all

'U_LAST_COMMENTS'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'p=' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '#p' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id']),
(two times!)

Not tested yet, just in between.
Please report if it works.

Tested, seems to be fine, this should fix it.
Please undo any other changes you've donee before to solve this, thanks!

Bugtracker ticket: bugtracker/viewbug.php?b=95

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 21:00
by lonepare
Okay that didn't work either..... have wrecked my brains most of the day..... because of this and because of that I realy do appreciate the hard work you guys do in working with code.... very difficult on the old eyes thanks guys....

Anyway to lend a helping hand I put my tired old eyes to some good use and came up with this.... which works and was starring me in the face all day...

open portal/blocks/news.php

Code: Select all

    'U_LAST_COMMENTS'   => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $fetch_news[$i]['forum_id'] . '&p=' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id'] . '#p' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id']),
and replace with

Code: Select all

'U_LAST_COMMENTS'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", 'f=' . $fetch_news[$i]['forum_id'] . '&t=' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_id'] . '#p' . $fetch_news[$i]['topic_last_post_id']),
That works for me and with seo mod.... cheers guys... your a good bunch.. and love the portal. :D

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 21:10
by Kevin
Strange thing that my fix don't work!?
Are you sure you've done anything correct - undid all changes before?

Because i build the link now exactly the way phpBB3 does, so the SEO Mod should work with it.

Btw: your fix don't work with topics with more pages than one.
Test it with your "Name the song" topic.
You have to get the Forum ID out of the link. ('f=' . $fetch_news[$i]['forum_id'] )

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 21:20
by Kevin
Ah, i see, with my fix you receive this:

Best would be to fix this in the SEO Mod, not the portal. Because this is a regularly build link in phpBB3 and the SEO mod should translate it.
Sorry, but i don't use this mod, so i'm not into it.
But maybe i could take a look in the next days.

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 21:35
by lonepare
Kevin wrote:Ah, i see, with my fix you receive this:

Best would be to fix this in the SEO Mod, not the portal. Because this is a regularly build link in phpBB3 and the SEO mod should translate it.
Sorry, but i don't use this mod, so i'm not into it.
But maybe i could take a look in the next days.
I have fixed that part ...... you have 2 x p=1750 .... how can that work? you need a 't' like this f is forum id ... t is topic id and p is post id .....

now look at my new output.... ... html#p1750 the seo mod worked and cant be at fault here... can it? :?

I never noticed the pagination argggghh so will sip some tea calm down and take another look at pagination.... fuddle me this lol... ;)

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 8. May 2008 22:36
by Kevin
lonepare wrote:you have 2 x p=1750 .... how can that work? you need a 't' like this f is forum id ... t is topic id and p is post id .....
One is the post ID for the viewtopic.php, one is the jump anchor (the #p) for the browser.

Try this one for example:
This URL is not modified at all and comes from the phpBB3 core system (this sign: Image in the top left of each post). ;)
You don't need the topic ID necessarily.

However. Maybe we need a workaround, to implement the SEO mod in the portal. As i have seen in your forum, the links are parsed in the normal format (viewtopic.php?p=3767...) on the portal, in the forums are the links parsed with the .html ending.

Re: [RC1] Board3 Portal 1.0.0 and SEO MOD

Posted: 15. May 2008 10:12
by lonepare
Yes Kevin the forum uses .html at end everything is rewritten via the .htaccess the SEO mod also uses topic_title and topic_id can supply viewtopic.php and viewforum.php plus .htaccess if need .... any help on this would be great as the only problem I am having is with the pagination .... everything else functions as it should.... thanks Micheal. ;)