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Question about aeroblue style

Posted: 27. August 2011 01:36
by WauWsy
Your Portal Version: 2_0_0b1
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I have dont nothing to the forum.. Only installed the portal too another style prosilver.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I have searched with google to try to find some awesers but cant find it.

Description and Message
I want to make my site on another style. First i installed the portal on the prosilver style and that worked great. But now i want to change my style into aeroblue.

I hope somebody can help me.

(ps i post few mins before but it seems te be gone.. so im trying again:)

Re: Question about aeroblue style

Posted: 27. August 2011 03:49
by archivar
Please see here: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=4868