Typ Deines phpBB Forums: Standard phpBB3
MODs installiert: Nein
Dein Wissensstand: Einsteiger
PHP Version: 4.4.9
MySQL Version: 5
Was hast Du gemacht, bevor das Problem aufgetreten ist?
Dateien umgeschrieben, Portal installiert
Was hast Du bereits versucht um das Problem zu lösen?
Cache gelöscht. Internet durchsucht. Betroffene Datei durchsucht
Fehlerbeschreibung und Nachricht
ich habe auf einem anderen Forum schon das Portal erfolgreich installiert. Es lief auf das Style Acidtech. Diesmal neue Homepage und Dateien geändert. Jedoch bei der overall_header.html kommt ständig der Fehler.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /homepages/2/d351924393/htdocs/portal/cache/tpl_SpringTime_overall_header.html.php on line 158
Das Style ist auf subsilver2 Basis.
In der Anleitung für Subsilber2 steht folgendes:
Code: Select all
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.
Code:Select all
<div id="logodesc">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
<td><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
<td width="100%" align="center"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>
Add after
Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.
Code:Select all
Genauso fehlen diese Zeilen
Code: Select all
<div id="datebar">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
<td class="gensmall"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<!-- ENDIF --></td>
<td class="gensmall" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}">{CURRENT_TIME}<br /></td>
Ps: Falls es hilft. Die Zeile 158 in der Cache Datei sieht so aus:
Code: Select all
<?php if (! $this->_rootref['S_IS_BOT']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_LOGIN_LOGOUT'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_LOGIN_LOGOUT'] : ''; ?>" title="<?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'] : ((isset($user->lang['LOGIN_LOGOUT'])) ? $user->lang['LOGIN_LOGOUT'] : '{ LOGIN_LOGOUT }')); ?>"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'] : ((isset($user->lang['LOGIN_LOGOUT'])) ? $user->lang['LOGIN_LOGOUT'] : '{ LOGIN_LOGOUT }')); ?></a></li><?php } if ($this->_rootref['U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'] : ''; ?>" title="<?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'] : ((isset($user->lang['RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'])) ? $user->lang['RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'] : '{ RESTORE_PERMISSIONS }')); ?>"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'] : ((isset($user->lang['RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'])) ? $user->lang['RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'] : '{ RESTORE_PERMISSIONS }')); ?></a></li><?php } } if ($this->_rootref['S_BOARD_DISABLED'] && $this->_rootref['S_USER_LOGGED_IN']) { ?> <span style="color: red;"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_BOARD_DISABLED'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_BOARD_DISABLED'] : ((isset($user->lang['BOARD_DISABLED'])) ? $user->lang['BOARD_DISABLED'] : '{ BOARD_DISABLED }')); ?></span><?php } if (! $this->_tpldata['DEFINE']['.']['S_IN_PORTAL'] || $this->_rootref['S_DISPLAY_PHPBB_MENU']) { if (! $this->_rootref['S_IS_BOT']) { if ($this->_rootref['S_USER_LOGGED_IN']) { if ($this->_rootref['S_DISPLAY_PM']) { ?><li><a href="<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_PRIVATEMSGS'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_PRIVATEMSGS'] : ''; ?>" title=""><?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO'])) ? $this->_rootref['PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO'] : ''; if ($this->_rootref['PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD']) { ?>, <?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD'])) ? $this->_rootref['PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD'] : ''; } ?></a></li><?php } } else { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo (isset($this->_rootref['U_REGISTER'])) ? $this->_rootref['U_REGISTER'] : ''; ?>" title="<?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_REGISTER'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_REGISTER'] : ((isset($user->lang['REGISTER'])) ? $user->lang['REGISTER'] : '{ REGISTER }')); ?>"><?php echo ((isset($this->_rootref['L_REGISTER'])) ? $this->_rootref['L_REGISTER'] : ((isset($user->lang['REGISTER'])) ? $user->lang['REGISTER'] : '{ REGISTER }')); ?></a></li>
EDIT: Aus Gründen zu deiner Sicherheit habe ich den Link zu deinem Board entfernt.
Entferne den Install-Ordner auf deinem Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V.G. archivar