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Installation error!! Help

Posted: 26. May 2010 12:36
by letstalklove
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I installed phpbb3, and after I installed phpbb3 and everything was working.. i edited and copy pasted all the necessary files on the data folder on my computer then uploaded everything online using filezilla.. The same way i uploaded phpbb3.. After I did this, every time I go to the website to install the board3 portal; for example I put, it automatically adds another install in between making it say and gives me a error 404. I reinstalled and did everything! First i used auto mod and didn't work and then i modified it 2 times manually and uploaded every back and it still didn't work! Please someone help!

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I tried but nothing! my head started to hurt and I must sleep because it is 3:34 in the morning!

Description and Message
If someone can help me fix this problem and get this installed tomorrow I would really appreciate it. Whatever i do it always adds that install in between extra and gives me a error 404.. i dont know if i am editing something wrong.. Everytime it says add after or before in blank space should i add spaces between above and bottom script lines? Could that be a problem? because I just add it right where it says and save and more on to the next modification.

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 26. May 2010 16:47
by Marc
Make sure FileZilla shows hidden files and remove any .htaccess file inside the install folder. If that doesn't help, take a look inside your .htaccess in your forum root and look for any redirects regarding the install directory. The install itself does not do any redirects, I already checked that once before.

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 26. May 2010 20:06
by letstalklove
This is what i have for my htaccess file in the root directory...

# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm

Can anybody help? I also dont have a htaccess file in the install folder.. all i have are:


Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 26. May 2010 21:28
by Marc
What did you do? Some of those files are not inside the portal archive. Please delete the install folder from your website and upload the install folder of Board3 Portal again.

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 26. May 2010 23:41
by letstalklove
Ok I will do this when i get home today! Thank you so much I will keep you updated... I hope this works.. I have been working on this for 2 days now and I want this to be working on the website..

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 27. May 2010 08:12
by letstalklove
Thank you so much! i was able to fix everything! now i have a question.. How can I make the portal show first when you visit the website? For example how can i make it go straight to because when I put it takes me straight to the forum and i want the portal to show first.. And can I use different templates with this portal? And which mod would i need to download to put my own logo on the top instead of php..

Sorry for all the questions but you have been great! and i will def donate after i am done with my website!

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 27. May 2010 15:27
by Marc
If you edited your .htaccess in your forum root, you usually should be redirected to the portal first when you enter your domain name in the browser. Unfortunately, some hosters deactivated that, therefore you probably have to contact your hoster and ask them if they can change it.

You can use different styles with this portal. There are already a few style adaptions inside the Styles forum, maybe you like one of those styles.

If you want to replace the logo on top of your forum, please take a look at There are a few tutorials on that.

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 27. May 2010 20:49
by letstalklove
ok I will contact the host for the portal part.. i wanted to use static red for my template. I know just like i did the prosilver, i would need to add the script changes but some are not found.. I want to know if that would be possible? Also I can add different mods from phphacks or phpbb and it would not effect the portal correct?

Re: Installation error!! Help

Posted: 28. May 2010 00:11
by Marc
I can't tell you that no MODs will interfere with the portal, but most MODs really have nothing to do with the portal and therefore don't change anything that would cause problems with the portal.

Are you sure that static red is based on prosilver? If it is based on subsilver2, you need to do the subsilver2 edits.