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Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 5. May 2010 21:49
by Foxy
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message

I would like to edit the block titles/headings so that they are more representative of my site:

Example, Birthdays to BF Birthdays, Newest Members to The BF Welcomes

I am ok with editing the files, just need to know which ones and where I would find them.

Regards, Foxy

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 5. May 2010 22:00
by Marc
You probably will need to edit language/*yourlanguage/mods/lang_portal.php

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 6. May 2010 21:13
by Foxy
Thanks Marc,

Have managed to edit most of them but can't seem to find where to edit The Team, Statistics, Birthdays etc?

Regards, Foxy

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 6. May 2010 23:34
by Marc
I think those are in the phpBB3 language files, e.g. language/*yourlanguage*/common.php

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 10. October 2010 19:17
by derebo

I can't seem to fin where Extended Team or just Team blocks can be enabled/disabled. phpbb3.07.-PL1 and Board3 latest release 1.0.6 even when I have phpbb3 and your portal working and showing fine. I'd just like to disable/hide the Team block. Any other blocks such as:
  • # Wordgraph
    # Paypal donations
    # Attachments
    # Newest members
    # Poll
    # Recent bots
    # Peak posters
    # Mini calendar
    # Custom block
    # Links
    # Friends
    # Birthdays
can be easily enabled/disabled from ACP then .MODS then Portal. For whatever reason, I can't find Statistics, the Team, and Menu.

Any hint, greatly appreciated.


EDIT: Of course, I can always delete:

Code: Select all

    <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/leaders_ext.html -->
    <!-- INCLUDE portal/block/leaders.html -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
from /root/styles/prosilver/template/portal/portal_right.html in order not have The Team displayed. But I'm sure there must be a less radical solution to it ;)

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 10. October 2010 20:20
by Marc
Take a look at the General settings:

Re: Editing Block Title/Heading

Posted: 11. October 2010 01:36
by derebo
Oh my!... :shock: And the funny thing is I configured general settings at the very beginning...

One more question: custom block allows for a small block and a center block, which can be positioned in any colum or center (moving blocks KB) but, is it possible to add more custom blocks? Apparently it's just one small block. The goal would be adding custom code at both columns.

Thanks in advance for your support.
