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Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 28. April 2010 15:13
by Weltall
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: 3.0.6

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I'd like to have another news menu in the admin cp,to configure a second news block.I'd like the same options like in the standard news block,but i'd like to have them in a way they does not influence the other news block
Any help will be appreciated ;)

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 30. April 2010 17:17
by Weltall

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 1. May 2010 09:30
by Scatman_mv
I'd also like to have this.

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 3. May 2010 12:06
by Weltall
help please!
i don't think it's so hard to duplicate it! Please!

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 9. May 2010 10:46
by Weltall

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 23. May 2010 10:49
by Weltall
no one can help? :(

Re: Duplicate the news block in admin cp

Posted: 12. June 2010 02:47
by Bash
Here you go:
I did it, I dont know if anyone else is interested or if it's appropriate to post this but heres what you do (warning - this took me about 2hrs).

1. Copy/paste all the 'news' entries within:


And rename every occurance of 'news' to 'yourname' (take your time and be careful. I recommend using search to find every 'news' entry to ensure you duplicate them all).

2. Copy 'news.php' and 'news_compact.php' and rename them 'yourname.php' & 'yourname_compact.php'. Then, open these new php files and rename every occurence of 'news' to 'yourname' within them.

3. Now you need to copy the 'news.html' template file and again rename it 'yourname.html' and again, rename every occurence of 'news' to 'yourname' within that file.

4. Upload your edited and new files (remember to backup).

5. Go into ACP > System tab. Bottom left, you will see a menu entitled 'Module Management' and underneath that 'Admin Control Panel', click that.

6. Click on '.MODS' (in the middle) then on the next page, click 'Portal'.

7. Now, down the bottom, you will see an empty box with a button to the right of it called 'Create New Module'. In the box, enter your new name (the name you replaced 'news' with) but dont press the button.

8. To the right of the button you should see a drop down menu (should show 'attachment settings'). Click on the arrow and scroll down until you see 'Portal', below you should see the name of your newly created module (yourname) select that.

9. Click on the 'Add Module' button to the right and confirm, you'll then be directed back to the previous page.

10. Click on the green 'edit' icon to the right of your newly created module.

11. Click the radio button beside 'Enable Module' so that it is enabled and then click 'submit'.

12. Purge cache and refresh style templates.

Done. You should now have a new block which funtions the same as the news block in your portal.