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Search Block width problem

Posted: 6. March 2010 10:12
by Raijin
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
fresh installation

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
I tried to edit portal/block/search.html, content.css, common.css

Description and Message

I'm french so, sorry for the mistake in the message ;)

I'm reviewing a theme for a forum write in phpbb3 (my theme is based on prosilver). I installed the mod board3 v1.0.5 and portalview 1.0.0RC3.

My problem is the width of the search block. In the ACP, the left and right columns are fixed to 160 px. But, the column containing the search block is bigger than 160 px. When I don't show the seach block, the width come to the fixed width (160px).

This problem is with Firefox and IE... On Google Chrome, all is ok...

I don't find the problem or, the files to edit to resolve it.

My forum adress :

Open it in chrome, and open it with firefox (or IE), compare it, and you will see that the size of the left column change.

I hope my message is understanding, and i hope you will able to help me.



Re: Search Block width problem

Posted: 6. March 2010 11:40
by Marc
The problem is inside the drop-down menu in the search block. The title "moteurs de recherche" is too wide and therefore forces the higher width of the search block.
If you want to change it, open language/fr/mods/lang_portal.php and find:

Code: Select all

Change the language string to something that fits better.

Re: Search Block width problem

Posted: 6. March 2010 23:32
by Raijin
Wonderful ! Thank's a lot !