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portal width

Posted: 2. March 2010 22:42
by Awordofcaution
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
fresh phpbb installation

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
everything i can find listed on this forum.

changed the width in common.css
changed the width in the portal_body.html

Description and Message
i want my forum AND my portal to be a pixel width of 910 total, including the side columns of the portal

i can make my forum this width fine, but the portal will not change.

Edit, managed to make it work but the portal is now stuck left aligned.

Re: portal width

Posted: 7. March 2010 20:26
by Mike
No Portal found on your site... Please activate it, so we can see whats wrong...

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 12:00
by katib
I am facing a similar problem
you can see it here:
Borad Portal v1.0.3
I installed v1.0.5 on local server
set right and left block's width at 150 px
here is part of source code of my page on local server

Code: Select all

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<!-- [+] left block area -->
		<td valign="top" style="width: 150px; padding-left:10px;">
		<br style="clear:both" />

		<!--version $Id: portal_left.html 591 2009-12-11 23:48:49Z marc1706 $ //-->

<!--version $Id: main_menu.html 544 2009-09-10 12:35:25Z christian_n $ //-->
<div class="panel bg3"><div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span><h3><img src="http://localhost/bb307/styles/AutumnsColor/theme/images/portal/portal_menu.png" width="16" height="16" alt="" />&nbsp;???????</h3>
	<div class="portal-navigation">
I think problem is due to

Code: Select all

So how and where can I change this value?

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 12:24
by Marc
First of, the padding issue has been fixed in 1.0.5. Second of, Scout4All provides a Portal package that already has a few RTL fixes inside, the normal version of Board3 Portal 1.0.5 does not yet have.

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 15:53
by katib
Thanks Marc for prompt reply
I am aware of Scout4All's package
But I was talking about left block exceeding board fixed width, altought I set both left an righr width to 150 px

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 16:37
by Marc
The problem is some parts of the blocks, for example forum names or usernames can extend the block and therefore also the column to a bigger width. There is pretty much nothing we can do about that.

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 17:30
by Huor
could content flow css definitions help or word wrap? Was just thinking about possible things from css - that came to my mind :) Although the layout will be damaged and the portal probably looks terrible

Re: portal width

Posted: 14. March 2010 21:26
by Marc
I don't think this is possible inside select boxes and I don't think you can modify the usernames that way. ;)